
keeping it together

January 11, 2010

plannerfest 2010: an update
i was all excited about my 2010 system in this post, so i thought that in the spirit of monday (new week!), i’d provide a little update on how it was all working out. here’s last week’s 2-page spread:

close-up of the all-important blank side. essential for lists!

looks pretty comprehensive, right? let’s zoom in on friday:

note: 10 am: reserve wilco tix. oh, it was in there. too bad i never bothered to open this pimped out stack of paper on friday morning to notice it! the tickets went to scalpers within minutes, and i missed the boat. i felt horrible, because i told a friend that i would get tickets for 3 of us!

note to self: the best system will not work if you don’t look at it! i have found it useful to transfer the day’s tasks onto the mini moleskine booklets. checking things off a list makes anything seem 1,000 times more doable (and more fun).

if only i had taken the time to do that on friday am!

big spender
so i went ahead and charged $2030 to our credit card yesterday. that’s:

✔ 22.5 kai coats (at sale price)

✔ 4.5 linea pelle dylan bags

✔ 2.8 canon rebels

or, on a practical note,

✔ 2+ months rent

✔ ~4 months of groceries

but all i got for $2030 was this:

yay. now i just have to pass the test.

off to XT! it’s a balmy 20 outside. a slight improvement . . .



workout: 10 mile run!
first 6.5 miles @ 8:43/mi pace
last 3.5 miles @ 9:25/mi pace (chatting all the while with cara)

culinary corner: i think i’m going to be rather lazy and eat a lot of leftovers this week! in fact, other than a big pot of soup, i don’t have any major cooking plans on the horizon. i kicked off the week in the same vein by using up some leftovers from saturday night’s dinner at milltown.

milltown salad: spinach with dried cranberries, almonds, artichokes, grilled chicken, and lambic dressing. accompanied by some ubercrunchy seedlander dr krackers

reading: some cases in peds in review. fun fact: strongyloides, a roundworm parasite, is endemic in the southeastern US! it can cause peripheral eosinophilia and GI symptoms. it can also be asymptomatic for years. YUM.


  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    You have such nice handwriting! Good luck on the exam. I think you should reward yourself with something nice for all the studying.

  • Reply cara March 10, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    I miss you already! We definitely can&#39t wait eight more years before our next get-together 🙂

  • Reply atilla March 10, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    $2030 is a rip…they could administer the test on line for almost nothing. The price structure was designed by people who forgot how much it cost to get where you are

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