the same but different

January 4, 2010

so here we are again

** reminder: please change your google readers, links and bookmarks to reflect this site’s new name! lostandallalone should work temporarily but it will apparently go away in 2-3 days.

i feel like i’m going back to school after some long hiatus, even if i’ve only been away 6 days! actually, with the mostly at-home research month dominating december, it really has been a while since i’ve worked with a normal routine.

this month i’m on adolescent medicine, which conjures up images of:

dated, yet timeless
ahhhhh teen angst and all the associated drama. there is going to be plenty of that to go around this month! today i will be working in duke student health! allie and caroline, if either of you get sick i will roll out the student health red carpet for you. or, just fake sick and come visit me. it will be fun. free condoms and ibuprofen samples all around!

water bottle update
back in august, i wrote about finding out that my pricey sigg water bottle had an ‘old’ lining — the kind that contained BPA. the company ended up offering a voluntary replacement program, where you could mail your bottle in and receive a BPA-free version.

in september, i dutifully packaged up mr. siggy and sent the aluminum vessel to the address provided. and despite sending multiple emails questioning the status of my replacement, I NEVER HEARD BACK. (!!!)

so, i’m moving on. to this new bottle from rival bottlemaker klean canteen. i like the (klean? clean?) design and the way you can interchange the café mug lid with the screw top.

i might even get bold and tote some soup or stew in this baby, as the photo suggests. theoretically, it’s supposed to hold heat for 6 hours.

resolution report
so far, so good on several fronts! my trick of placing the vitamins next to the coffeemaker has been effective, and my new clinique goodies have motivated me to pay better attention to my skin.

i’m right on schedule for a non-rushed morning as of this moment, and i’m looking into some spanish learning options (thanks to your input, i don’t think i’ll be going the rosetta stone route . . . at least not to start).

have a wonderful first monday back! i’m hoping that the sum effect of everyone’s bright and hopeful resolutions make today a nice, calm day.

just so you know
orla kiely is having a sale! which means that prices are now downgraded to ‘out of my price range’ from ‘waaaaay out of my price range.’ doesn’t stop me from wanting this, though (which is NOT on sale . . . of course).

no airline would dare lose this baby!



workout: 8 miles on the treadmill, 0.5% incline, 8:57/mi. as soon as i finished this workout, i wished i had gone outside! the weather didn’t feel so bad once i was all warmed up from my run.

dinner for 1: plus lunch leftovers for many. josh started back on nights yesterday, but it didn’t stop me from making a decent dinner to enjoy solo. i whipped up clean eating‘s pesto pasta (recipe on the sidebar), and found it to be as creamy and delicious as promised. plus, the potato/green beans/tomato combo reminded me of nicoise salad. yum.

reading: about medications compliance in adolescents — an appropriate topic for the new year given that we’re ALL trying to boost compliance with our own goals!

ineffective strategies to help teens take their medicines: long intensive info sessions, emotional counseling.

effective strategies: having THEM help design the treatment plan, behavioral cues & tricks (such as . . . putting your vitamins next to the coffee maker).

1 Comment

  • Reply Meredith (Pursuing Balance) March 10, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    Cute new name!!! I adore it!

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