k-kinda busy

April 9, 2010

i hesitated
for a second before buying tickets to see ms. gaga in raleigh on september 19th. after all, i’ve seen her before (check out my pix in the link if you haven’t seen ’em — i’m pretty impressed with my old camera’s zoom capabilities! and lady gaga’s legs).

was i too old to venture out to see her again? too busy?

you can call all you want, but there’s no one home, & you’re not gonna reach my telephone!
i put on my poker face and answered my own question: no, i was not. i’ll just have to make sure not to be on call that night!

and now, i’m already excited!!

anyone else going?

lots of lovely things
in store for this weekend, including

♥ lots of josh time!
♥ a fun dinner + brunch
♥ gradual return to sleeping at night (!!)

but first, one last night shift. i’m well-rested and ready for action . . . here goes!



workout: 45 minutes elliptical + weights
– 2 x 12 pushups
– 2 x 12 squats with ball, 10 lbs
– 2 x 12 bicep curls, 12 lbs
– 2 x 12 walking double lunges, 8 lbs
– 2 x 12 tricep kickbacks, 6 lb
– 2 x 15 bicycle crunches

reading: 10 PREP questions, plus an article during my shift on diagnosis of orbital cellitis (it was a slow night!)

i am grateful for: avocados! even though the one i was GOING to picture here was rotten, i’m sure the next one will be luscious.


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