list of the week
introducing a new series! you all know how much i love lists. practical lists, fun and dreamy lists, mind-dump lists, aspirational lists . . . to me, nothing says ‘I CAN DO IT!’ like a series of items put into list form.
apparently, i’m not the only one . . .
1. NPR’s why we love making lists
2. time magazine’s top 10
3. one blog’s take: a whopping 17 reasons, plus more in the comments!
4. fine, this one isn’t a list, but it’s my favorite. we like lists because we don’t want to die: an interview with umberto eco.
kath’s list
so, without further ado, let me introduce the very FIRST official list of the week! miss kath of food blogging fame is a friend of mine and she is SO meticulously organized and neat that she even has a whole section of her blog devoted to organizaion! be still, my heart.
however, we do have different organizing styles. while i still hold firm to paper, she does most of her organizing electronically. when i asked her for a submission, she sent me her latest to-do list:
this list is for business purposes [kath and her husband matt are opening a great harvest in charlottesvile]. to me, it’s fascinating to see all of the little planning details that go into such an endeavor!
so who wants to be next?
i will be featuring one list each week from a fellow organize-a-holic . . . so just email me with a snapshot, and i’ll add you to the queue! i would love to showcase lots of different styles and ways of making up lists/schedules/plans/etc, so don’t hesitate to give me your submission even if it’s FAR more right-brained than the above.
and just in case
you’re looking for something fun to write your lists in, i just discovered field notes [yes, i’m behind the times]. i love their customizable covers that just came out:
and i couldn’t help but order a 3-pack of colorful north carolina graph pads (yes, they come in all 50 states . . . wisconsin is shown below)!
what can i say? guess i was overcome with state pride.
other tidbits
✰ there is still time to enter the book giveaway [the odds are still pretty good!] or donate to reach out & read [thanks to many of your amazingly generous gifts, i have reached the $300 goal!!! lots of children in durham will be very happy to receive their books!].
✰ i found out yesterday that i got one of the grants i applied for! that was a nice feeling.
✰ yes, the peds endocrine in-training exam was hard. i wish they’d give us the questions/answers as part of our results — i feel like i would learn so much! i think i’m at least a LITTLE more motivated to study now . . .
workout: 3.25 miles in 30 minutes on the TM while reading this april’s real simple. plus, a yogadownload: 25 minutes of yoga for runners. i think my injury might be improving!
30 minute meal?
i didn’t get started all that early, so i was hopeful that this meal i had planned really would take only 30 minutes to prepare.
and the end time? 7:56! it could have been earlier, but i found this blog and got sucked in while waiting for the chicken to cook through [my reward for multitasking? burning the first batch of pine nuts to a crisp. but at least i was entertained while i did that.]
and, the result?
chicken with sweet and sour fennel, polenta, and green beans
definitely worth 36 minutes.
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