early day

October 18, 2011

it’s been a while
go back just 2 years or so, and 7 AM workday starts were de rigeur. for a few slightly more hardcore rotations [in pediatrics, that includes the NICU + PICU*], you were expect to arrive by 6.

gotta love toothpaste for dinner
i became a super-early riser during those days, getting up as early as 4 [!!!] to squeeze in a blog post, relaxed breakfast, and sometimes even a workout.

but now?

i sort of can’t believe i did that!

* neonatal and pediatric intensive care units, respectively

getting my mornings back
a much more leisurely start is one of the benefits of my chosen fellowship [all med students should consider pediatric endocrinology!!]. when i’m on service, most days start around 8. typically, this means that i am signing onto the pager at 8 [if not on call already] and heading out the door around that time. during the lab months, things are even more relaxed — i typically head out at 8:45 and arrive at about 9.

today, i’m shifted to a bit earlier, because i have to get to lab by 7:30 AM to do an experiment [this is a rarity]. but, it got me to thinking about how i use those precious morning hours, how that routine has changed, and how wildly different this will be with a baby [girl!!!] in the picture.

blasts from the past
residency routine

fellowship: the early days [more high strung + longer commute!]

◼ one ‘goal’ morning routine that may or may not have ever happened: it includes meditation

something like . . .

5:30 wake up
5:35 make + eat breakfast. drink tons of water. miss coffee, a little. check work + regular email. browse my favorites in google reader, thinking up a topic for blog post
6:15 write something!
6:50 spanish time!
7:10 run or gym — usually a ~30 minute workout these days, or just over that
7:50 shower / get dressed
8:10 pack lunch
8:25 finish drying hair; throw on minimal makeup
8:40 collect belongings and actually leave

likely 50,000 times more hectic with organization of my things and all of baby’s things! but at least i’ll have my whole 12 week maternity leave to think about how to get this one down.

and with that, i’m off!
to do a little spanish, shower, and GO! i may or may not be plotting to sneak in a nap later this afternoon. we’ll see!

for me, the start of each day really does set the tone in terms of my overall happiness! fitting in morning workouts probably make the most impact, but just being focused and centered gets me started on the right foot.

do you think about how your own morning routine serves you? i still think mine could be calmer, but i am happy with the level of productivity!



workout: 30 minutes elliptical while wistfully reading runner’s world — the last issue of my now-lapsed subscription. watching the half marathon this weekend made me realize that i KNOW i’ll be back eventually, though!

dinner = leftovers. such a life-saver on mondays [i never feel like cooking after sitting in meetings/conferences from 2 – 6 pm].

spanish: check

endo: more thyroid! plus we had a thyroid-themed teaching session today. this is so cheesy, but i feel like i’m learning a lot already with this textbook approach. not sure why i didn’t start this sooner . . .


  • Reply Chelsea March 10, 2019 at 7:22 pm

    I actually like being semi-tired and alone for hours in the morning :). I wish I were better at coming up with blog ideas in the AM. Often I sit in front of the computer and read some blogs and do some e-mail but am totally uninspired…

  • Reply Solitary Diner March 10, 2019 at 7:22 pm

    I am definitely more of an evening person. I’m never awake more than an hour before I have to leave my house unless there’s something absolutely essential to do. As for the studying, I completely understand what you mean. Every time I get back into a regular study schedule I think "Gee, I’m learning so much. I should do this more often.". And then the studying gets away from me again.

  • Reply Sarah March 10, 2019 at 7:22 pm

    i am totally a morning person! but, since i’m in lab and my schedule is so flexible, i try to get out the door as quickly as possible so i can harness my early morning productivity in lab and am then ready to leave lab & be home by 3 or 4pm! i love getting home so early because then i’ve got the whole afternoon to do things that i really want to do at home.

    since i am so much more motivated in the morning, i focus that time on getting the stuff done that requires the most brain power + effort (aka lab work).

    my afternoons are my fun time for reading, walking the dog, cooking, cleaning the apartment (not fun per se, but i do LOVE having a clean apartment).

    sometimes i think about how nice it would be to start my days in a more relaxed and leisurely way, but then i think about the hours of productive time i’d lose in lab and it just doesn’t make sense. staying 2 extra hours in the afternoon does NOT help me be more productive. i fail at working in the afternoons… not sure how that’s going to go over once i get a "real" job!

  • Reply thethinksicanthink March 10, 2019 at 7:22 pm

    I can’t wait to read your residency posts to see what awaits me in a year! I like getting up as long as I’ve had enough sleep. Scared about that as a resident.

    Congrats on your baby GIRL!

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