
too fast

October 15, 2012

seriously: where did this week go?!

the fact that i’m back on service [and currently on call] must have something to do with it.  but this past week just seemed to whiz by at breakneck pace.  my days felt chock full, and the ‘gotta do . . .’ voice in my head never really stopped.
at the same time, it was also a week of compromise.  i finally let go of my milk angst, and honestly?  ditching that guilt/self-judgment feels fantastic, so far.  i took it easy in some other ways as well — i ran out of time/energy almost every weekday before getting my runs in.  [this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but my half-marathon is a mere 7 days from today.]
but life goes on.
and the weekend was lovely, even if i had to spend a few hours of it in the hospital.  
highlights . . .
✿ 2 brunches out:  pizzeria toro and guglhupf.  [we are sort of obsessed with going out for brunch lately.  so much cheaper than dinner and completely baby-friendly.]
i think she wanted some pizza

✿ getting in my long run this morning [10.3 miles all around duke & surrounding areas / 8:50 pace on mapmyrun / no pages!]
✿ bridesmaids dress shopping [for the wedding of k and dr s in february!]

this one was not the winner

✿ a decent amount of floor time with this muffin:
although this was taken by josh while i was rounding saturday AM

coming up in future posts:
* erin condren planner review 

teaser.  but i need to take some better shots before i write up this post!

* thoughts on day care

* baby food / parent food combo nights:

* annabel @ 6 months
* half marathon training as a new[ish] mom
* let me know if you have any requests!

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