running lately [and some weekend stuff]

January 22, 2013
i’m kind of into running right now.
the truth is, i haven’t been not into running for years.  but i did have to put it on the back burner for TTC [waaaaay on the back burner, as it turned out] and clearly pregnancy wasn’t the time to start churning out miles and breaking PRs.
really, now isn’t great for that either.  gone for me are the days of 40-50 mile weeks — at least for the next few years, i’m guessing.  but i’m really REALLY enjoying training right now, even at a [relatively] light volume.  
i’ve been using mapmyrun consistently for a little while now and i’m having fun with it.  i’m enjoying the splits feature:

as well as the elevation charts, pace graphs, and the calendar.

what i am not enjoying is the accuracy.  i’ve long suspected MMR to be a bit ‘generous’ with its pace assessments, and a run with e. today [with her garmin] confirmed that it probably overestimates pace by 2-3%.  this doesn’t sound like that much, but it adds up over the course of a long run.

for example, a 10 mile run that is really only 9.7 miles means that if MMR says you’re running a 9 minute pace, it’s really 9:16.  that’s quite a significant difference!  so those lovely splits above are overly flattering, though they look pretty.  i’m thinking about getting a garmin 10 because the inaccuracy bugs me so much.  anyone have thoughts?

re: the rest of my training, it’s going well.  i’ve been following a training plan roughly based on the ‘finish it’ plan in train like a mother, simply because it looked like a fun and varied plan.  overall, most weeks look something like this:

M – 3 miles with strides
T – 5-6 miles
W – workout DVD [ie, 30 minutes of jillian michaels no more trouble zones or some yoga]
R – tempo or speed work – last week i did 6 x 400m
F – rest
S – long run [i’m up to 9 miles]
S – ~3ish mi stroller run + yoga/strength if time

as you can see, mileage has been in the ~20-25 mpw range for the most part.  but i’m really enjoying it and perhaps getting a little bit faster.  i am not going to PR in the tobacco road half that i’m running in 2 months — and i highly doubt that i’ll even come close to my course record [1:47:something].  but i think i can hopefully beat my first post-baby race time [1:56:something] — even if it’s just because it’s a much easier [ie, FLAT] course!

i’ve been running in the mornings most days — starting at around 5:15 am on weekdays.  this sounds rough but since i’ve been going to bed much earlier [NO NIGHTTIME PUMP!] it’s not so bad.  and i love the energy / calmness buzz that seems to last throughout the day.

i know i will likely have to give up long distance running again [yes, even at this relatively low level] when i’m ready to TTC for #2.  but — i’m not planning on doing that until a year from now or so, so for now i’m just having fun.  and the nice part is that this time i don’t anticipate having the internal struggle that i did last time.  because as fun as running/racing are, the breaks are really NO big deal.  and very worth it.


okay, just one more of this outfit.  i am too obsessed with these tights!

additional weekend hi-jinks
aside from call, of course.  

annabel covered the pager for me.  i don’t think she was thrilled about it:
i cooked! once.  i think the rest of the weekend we either a) ate out or b) ate PB&J.

chickpea curry from january cooking light – super easy.  
nothing earth-shattering in flavor, but a comforting healthy meal.
brunch @ watt’s grocery:
annabel has just mastered the whole hand-to-mouth thing!  yay!
bridal shower for k! [actually, a “kitchen tea” per her home country tradition]:
beautiful bride-to-be!

dinner @ dos perros — check out the name of their last beer special!
obviously josh ordered it!
a stroller run + brunch out with e. and g. — the little ones made eyes at each other across the table 🙂

pretty great for a call weekend!

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