1 // SICK (not that sick, just a cold that C brought home, but ugh; also G & A have a version of it too and that’s sad on multiple levels)
2 // ON CALL
3 // (because of course!) PMS-ing.
I can’t decide if it’s better to just get all 3 over at once? Maybe so!
(Not like I have a choice!)
((This has been a rough week. Looking forward to a new one! Glad and grateful that there will be a light at the end of this tunnel.))
Happy 4th of July.
I’m sorry!! Better to get it all over at once-feel better!!
I am with you on 1 (me and 2/4 kids) and 3 (grrr), and instead of 2 we had our last week of school and are packing for a camping trip, and tackling a big to do list for a two week break of work. Take care!
I was feeling icky and overwhelmed too, and then a colleague posted on fb that she had long-distance-coordinated health care for two close family members who had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I felt like all my problems were stupid, and I felt even worse about myself. Blegh. GD social media! But anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Still feeling hot and gross and overwhelmed here myself, though happily NOT PMSing. SO much admin to accomplish, and so little time. And now that I’ve been going pedal to the metal on a post-call day since 7:30 this morning I want to take a NAP. But alas, I cannot. Hope you feel better soon.