COVID19 Weekend

Day 76: Another Saturday

May 30, 2020

(But it’s a “both parents off” Saturday — the best kind.)

Plans for the day:

❏ 80 Day Obsession Workout #12 – Legs

❏ Read more of A Gentleman in Moscow

❏ Maybe MAYBE start selecting photos for 2019 photobook. Maybe.

❏ Cleaning tasks: snacks & pantry (our snacks are IN the pantry so that means it’s really a 2 for 1 — score!)

❏ Make sure kids go outside (bike ride + swim most likely though I just saw that local wildlife sanctuary Flamingo Gardens is reopening! It can be experienced entirely outdoors and they are limiting guests to reservation only at specified time slots to prevent crowding. HOWEVER I do not have masks sized for the kids yet so . . . will have to wait).

(PS: I ordered the cutest kids’ cloth masks from cubcoats – all 3 have jackets from there. They are slated to arrive in early June. Not all that hopeful they will fit G, but worth a try.)

❏ Indian takeout for takeout night (YUM)

G’s dinner last night. oops.

Beaches are also open in our area (not really planning on going as of now; seems like it would be rather stressful if there were crowds which would defeat the purpose). I don’t know; does this mean my series should come to an end? We certainly haven’t reached any sort of ‘normal’ but . . . will we ever?

As of now I plan on numbering posts until 100 🙂 That seems appropriate! Then will reassess.


  • Reply Amy May 30, 2020 at 7:34 am

    I am so enjoying your daily blog. Brightens my day to hear how you are managing during these unprecedented times. I would hate to see your daily posts end. Simply wanted you to know that your daily posts bring joy. Thanks for doing them. Please consider continuing Thank you!

  • Reply Grateful Kae May 30, 2020 at 8:01 am

    I was wondering the other day how you would decide when to “end” the series. 🙂 There certainly is no “okay, all clear!” being called any time soon but yet the height of the lock down has also passed (for now). I like the 100 posts idea!

  • Reply ehartung7 May 30, 2020 at 8:11 am

    I like the idea of 100. Also I’m grateful someone is keeping track and I can feel like we have proof we survived this long.

  • Reply gwinne May 30, 2020 at 9:27 am

    I also am really enjoying this series! I’d vote for either 100 or a major milestone.

    Our stay at home order has been extended another two weeks (although case numbers in my area are low). I suspect it will go on longer… I’m glad, frankly, to have both cautious governor and mayor.

  • Reply L May 30, 2020 at 12:38 pm

    I’ve also enjoyed starting my day reading your daily post with my coffee. I’m on the west coast so you’ve usually posted by the time I wake up. I will read as long as you keep posting. I’d like to hear more about what you’re doing and learning from the 100 day program. You could start a house organizing series.

  • Reply Coco May 30, 2020 at 4:51 pm

    2019 photobook… aaaaaahhhhh. it’s also in my to-do list. maybe I’ll start today too 🙂

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 30, 2020 at 6:09 pm

      It’s not my fave task but I love having them. I picked photos for Jan-March. 1 quarter down 3 to go!

      • Reply Coco May 30, 2020 at 9:14 pm

        great idea! maybe I do 1 month per day 🙂 hahah

  • Reply Katie May 30, 2020 at 6:14 pm

    I love your daily posts, Sarah (only as long as you enjoy writing them, of course). Echoing what someone else said in the comments – your blog is a part of my rotation of websites/blogs with which I like to ease into the day as I drink my coffee! In any case, 100 straight days of blogging is a pretty impressive streak. 🙂

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