Best Laid Plans Weekend

BLP Ep #82: Favorite Planning-Adjacent Podcasts + Retail Therapy

February 21, 2022

Podcasts Mentioned:

The Productive Woman with Laura McClellan

Focus on This from the Full Focus Team

Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Routine & Things with Ashley Brown

The Stationery Cafe with April + Phyllis

Organize 365 with Lisa Woodruff

Planners & Wine with Meg + Myra

The Lazy Genius with Kendra Adachi

Youtube: Amanda’s Favorites

Patreon Groups: Planners & Wine, Amanda’s Favorites, BOBW (Laura + me)

Retail Therapy!

Just arrived (to review in a future ep!) – EC notebooks! Just ordered: mystery planner with similar layout to Hobonichi (to review in a future ep . . . and probably to play with).


After a rocky + emotional week, we had a great weekend overall. C had his last track meet, G had soccer (and actually participated), we had a great playdate in a downpour, A had a sleepover, and C’s party ended up being a success – we rented a video game truck and it was a definite hit. Josh and I also had a date night involving a trip to Walmart for party prep (we now own folding tables!) and Korean food.

The weather cooperated and some parents stayed + hung out in our yard at tables. We requested ‘no gifts please’ but it only half worked, but that was better than a full on deluge of gifts, I guess!

We bought him this and I suspect it may be today’s main entertainment (no school!).

Only regret: not getting a single good family pic at the party! Oh well.

kids are squinting off the truck AND where is G?! ALSO OMG HE IS 8!!!


  • Reply Grateful Kae February 21, 2022 at 11:54 am

    I’d forgotten about The Productive Woman. I used to listen to that one years ago! That’s cool that she’s still at it! I agree she has a VERY calming voice.

    The only 3 podcasts I actually listen to EVERY episode of are BLP, BOBW and Deep Questions! I actually love his long episodes! I don’t always listen to them all at once- but I break them up and just listen as I can. (I do a lot of podcast listening while I shower/ get ready- so for me that’s usually at least 30-40 minutes right there.) Typically I think he releases them Mondays and Thursdays, so usually I listen to Monday’s episode in chunks from Monday- Wednesday, and the other one maybe Thursday- Saturday. So his twice weekly schedule is kind of perfect, for me. 🙂 (This does prevent me from listening to too many other podcasts though, I guess, but I’ve been on a Cal kick lately, so it’s working for me right now. 🙂

    I know you are a big fan of Focus on This, but I’ve tried that one so many times and I just CANNOT get into it!! I don’t know why, but I just don’t like it!! 🙁 Oh well.

    • Reply CBS February 22, 2022 at 2:50 am

      I find the focus on this people really gimmicky. I hate that kind of hustle discourse though,

  • Reply omdg February 21, 2022 at 1:10 pm

    I can’t believe I’ve known you virtually since before Annabel was born. Happy Birthday C! It sounds like everyone had fun!

  • Reply Bryce February 21, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    One more thought on all of the overwhelm (though I thoroughly agree that no long-term decisions should be made until the move is totally behind you!). Of all the balls you are juggling, the one that seems least important (to me, an outsider) is your very high savings rate. You have talked about this in the past and often not had a clear justification for why you feel you need to save more than you need to retire at 60-65. You have said that you don’t particularly want to retire early, and you just recently had a whole blog post about how much you like your job and how cutting back will likely not work! So I guess I don’t get it— why do you think you would want to cut back in 10-15 years if you don’t want to cut back now? Presumably you will have more time and bandwidth when your kids are older/leaving the nest. If you have no better use for the money than to save (or think you would otherwise spend it on things that just add clutter and do not bring you joy) then that totally makes sense, but if you could exchange some of that money for time— a decorator, more help with household stuff, more childcare, making your off days as relaxing as possible, travel agent to plan trips, etc.—that might be a reasonable trade-off.

  • Reply CBS February 22, 2022 at 2:53 am

    Happy Birthday, C. That sounds like a great party and so nice to meet some new parents. I’m looking forward to my son starting school in August and meeting a few more families in our town. We were lucky that we had a preschool friend also move to our town, so built in buddies but it would be nice to meet more people.

  • Reply Nupe February 24, 2022 at 10:47 pm

    A podcast about productivity podcasts, yeah! Do you have recommendations on a podcast player? Really enjoying your blog and podcasts!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger February 25, 2022 at 5:40 am

      I use Podcruncher – it seems to work decently!!! I know a lot of people love PocketCast and overCast!

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