
Moving Progress Report

April 26, 2022

It has been a week, as I knew it would be. I don’t think I’ve ever been this behind at work – going straight from week off to a call week is a mistake I’ve made before and nope, it’s not a good plan.

Next time maybe I’ll remember, though sometimes these things can’t be helped.

However!! We are moved in, and honestly things are starting to feel pretty functional. A room-by-room status report:

Kids’ rooms – done!

Kitchen – done!

Workout area – done! (this is the closest I’ve ever had to a home gym and it’s very exciting!)

Closet / my clothes – largely done though need to get some things out of there and figure out some kind of bins/shelving for linens (our old house had a linen closet; this one doesn’t really for whatever reason).

Books in our bedroom – not done. Lots of boxes, some of which are more ‘archival things’ (generally not belonging to me . . . ) that will be finding another home. Maybe this weekend

Office – not done. Our desks are set up, but we lost office shelving/closet in the move so we are planning on something similar to this (though not as built-in as she managed to do it!). I think this will take some time.

Garage – has some debris but Josh has agreed to let junk haulers come (this is also very exciting) so hopefully will be cleared out soon. Josh did an excellent interim organizing job, though.

Pictures – I have asked that the pictures in our home be put up as a Mother’s Day gift 🙂 In our last house (a rental, so things felt transient) we basically hung nothing up. To be honest, I am more bothered by the pile of frames in our closet than I am by the empty walls, but . . .either way, makes sense to put them up (or give them away!). They are not providing any benefit in the closet!

I would give myself a decluttering grade of B+ — we got rid of a lot of things no longer used, needed, or loved. G still has more toys than she can keep reasonably neat and the boxes in the bedroom/office need to be pared down, so there is still more to do. Josh has asked me to ‘help him’ pare down, so we will see where that leads.

In May, I will reattempt Organize 365’s 100 day program — definitely more excited to do it now that we are in this house!

Time to get the kids up. I am (#*%(#$ behind at work but I feel like the dawn of May will be a promising new era — past move and this call week!!!! More to come . . .


  • Reply Grateful Kae April 26, 2022 at 7:09 am

    Wooo! Love that workout space!!!

  • Reply Connie C April 26, 2022 at 9:50 am

    Congrats on all the progress!

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa's Yarns April 26, 2022 at 10:38 am

    That workout space is great! Nice work on making so much progress. There is a such a spectrum for unpacking styles. We are on the extreme end of being unpacked asap. Last time we moved, we moved on a Friday morning and nearly everything was unpacked and put away by Saturday. We used reusable “green boxes” and had scheduled to have them picked up on Monday so that gave us extra motivation. Plus we were hosting my family for dinner the next Friday. But we moved some stuff over ahead of time so that helped. But I am team “unpack everything as soon as possible” because I hate seeing boxes/living in an unpacked state! We only had one kid when we moved but the amount of stuff we had then was less than we have now since we’ve gotten rid of a ton of baby stuff as Will has gotten older. But the thought of moving again is so unappealing so I am hoping we are in this house for a long long long time!

    Good luck getting caught up at work!!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger April 26, 2022 at 8:10 pm

      If we had enough shelving put up
      I would totally be close to 100.
      Even though our square footage has increased, we lost built in storage so we need places to put things!

  • Reply Ashley April 26, 2022 at 10:47 am

    Oooh, love that workout area! It looks so zen and peaceful. Honestly, it seems like you’re doing GREAT. Moving is no joke, and you’ve made a huge amount of progress.

  • Reply Elisabeth April 26, 2022 at 2:46 pm

    Also love the workout space. Looks so bright and how wonderful to have a dedicated space!

  • Reply Jenn N April 26, 2022 at 4:30 pm

    Is there a post you’ve done that gives a bit more detail on the 100 day program? How much time does it take every day? Is it motivating? I want to organize my house better but I always run out of energy after about two days, lol. Plus the toddler mess! I would love to hear your thoughts as it seems like you really enjoy it.

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