Fitness life

Weekly Workouts: Flu Edition

January 22, 2023

Well, I got 3 decent weeks of training in between our ski trip + the flu. Not ideal, but I wasn’t going to avoid getting sick forever!

Hopefully our family can stay virus free for a while. <– wishful thinking I know, but might as well think positively.

M: REST – sick

T: REST – sick

W: 5 miles easy as fevers gone, 10:14/mi in amazing 53F weather + strength for runners 20 min

R: The ‘attempted tempo’ that was a fail – ~4 mi total, 2 warmup and 2 at 8:45-9:10 pace.

F: Walk at work (2 miles), no running or strength

S: 5K race @ 25:48. (I have since seen on strava that multiple Garmin users recorded the race as 3.1 mi or above, so maybe it wasn’t short? Doesn’t really matter and I will never know, but interesting). Not sure if this is a ’40s PR’ or not but maybe? It definitely went better than my September 5K.

S: 6 mi @ 10:30/mi in 82F heat (did not run in AM as Josh did a 5K early today). This didn’t feel too bad until mile 4 or so, but by the end it was misery. A reminder to probably avoid marathon training through the summer, because lows in July/Aug are commonly at this level. Bah.

Total miles: 19

Total strength: 1

Last night we went out on a date night and saw A Man Called Otto in the theaters. It’s based on A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman which I read a million years ago (and didn’t love as much as some of his others). They had the emotional formula DOWN because I cried SO MUCH in this movie and honestly had to hold myself back from LOUDLY sobbing. In public. Awesome.

So, see it if you are in the mood for an emotional release. And wear waterproof mascara (or skip it altogether).


  • Reply Caitlin January 22, 2023 at 2:26 pm

    I read A Man Called Ove many years ago too, to lead a library book club while a colleague was out. I had to stop reading it on my lunch break because I kept crying so hard!

    When the book club met, I told them how much it made me cry, and they looked at me like I was crazy. No one else admitted to crying at all, let alone excessively.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 22, 2023 at 2:35 pm

      I don’t remember having the issue with the book. The movie however … omg.

  • Reply Meg January 22, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    I started reading the book on a whim after work one evening and ended up sobbing on the floor of my apartment finishing it. Recommended it to my brother a few years later and he called me asking why I would give him a book that would make him sob in the car. Looking forward to the movie!

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns January 22, 2023 at 5:24 pm

    Ove did not make me cry but books soooo rarely do! I love Tom hanks, though, so look forward to seeing it when it’s on a streaming service.

    I feel like it’s unheard of for a course to measure short so I would assume the Apple Watch was short! I have only ran with mine once but wore my garmin on the other wrist. Not like I need that level of accuracy but I don’t know if I can stop using the garmin since I’ve used it for so long!

    I had a good week of workouts – 2 strength training, 2 runs. I wore yak trax yesterday and they made a huge difference. I thought they would mess with my stride but they didn’t at all. I felt so good/stable that I ran 4 miles which is the longest I have run in quite awhile! Our sidewalks are horribly icy right now so I am glad the yak trax worked!

    If I was you, I would not train for a marathon in the summer! That would be so unpleasant!! Similarly, I would never train for a spring or early summer marathon as training could be horrible during our winters. I think it’s good to focus on something else during seasons when running is less pleasant!

  • Reply CBS January 23, 2023 at 2:18 am

    Sometimes I find those ugly sobs so cathartic. Just clears everything out of your system. I had that reaction with A Terrible Kindness and Patricia Lockwood’s No One is Talking about This. I was reading Lockwood’s next to my husband and just kept weeping, and he thought someone had died in real life, he had never seen me cry that hard. I think I cried for a good hour, I went in and checked my son and that set me off again. I felt emotionally cleansed afterward though.

  • Reply gem January 23, 2023 at 10:01 am

    I saw The Whale last week. Also sobbed during it. Such a good movie. I hope to see A Man Called Otto this week and maybe Women Talking next week. I think I need to find a light-hearted movie to provide some sort of balance!

  • Reply Moni January 23, 2023 at 10:41 am

    Love your blog and getting the glimpses into routines and life! Fun fact, I got to work on Otto!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 23, 2023 at 12:20 pm

      wow! well, excellent job 🙂 🙂 I loved the acting – Tom Hanks obviously but also Mariana Trevino!

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