

March 16, 2023

Sometimes I complain, and so I thought it would be good to acknowledge a few of the many things I am grateful for, when I think about it.

this is not from today, though a nap doesn’t sound like a terrible idea

I am grateful that I got to run in SUB 60F temps this morning (yes, at home!)

I am grateful that I can run, period. AND I am grateful to finally have real life ‘running friends’ again! I forgot how much fun that is.

I am grateful for my current hybrid work setup.

I am grateful for my husband: for supporting my career choices, and just in general.

I am grateful for my children — the fact that they exist, how interesting they are becoming, and for their overall health (even though I have to take one for a dental procedure today – so not fun, but I can think of about 1000 more serious health issues so I am grateful this is all I am current dealing with today)

I am grateful for quiet mornings and being past the stage when the kids would randomly wake up in the 5s.

I am grateful for books and reading.

I am grateful to those of you who read or listen or participate in the Patreon or more recent ventures (BLPA, BLPL).

I am grateful for streaming music!

I am grateful that most of the time, I feel younger than my age (this article inspired me to think about it).

I am grateful for date nights, our nanny, and reliable childcare in general.

I am grateful to my parents, for various things, and also my in-laws.

I am grateful it isn’t 2020.

I am grateful for planners, awesome pens, and high quality stationery.

PS: Having a section on my daily pages for gratitude is helpful for me to remember small (or big) positive things even on a more difficult day — and my 5 year journal is a great place to express these sentiments, too.


  • Reply Amanda March 16, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    Love it. Gratitude is so powerful!

  • Reply Grateful Kae March 16, 2023 at 6:14 pm

    You have much to be grateful for. Great list. ❤️

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns March 16, 2023 at 7:46 pm

    Great list! This has been a brutal week at work for me with the banking sector crisis. I’ve done about 10 meetings/day this week and am totally worn out. And layoffs are happening. But I am grateful that I did not have to worry about being laid off right now! And I am grateful that I work with such a nice team of portfolio managers who appreciate what I do. And I am grateful my husband could stay home with our sick 5yo today (pretty sure he has strep – it’s going around his daycare; Will get him tested at his well child visit tomorrow).

  • Reply Coree March 17, 2023 at 5:17 am

    We’re seeing signs of spring here – and I’m home on a Friday for the first time in ages! So I will do pickup at lunchtime (halfday every friday, groan!) and we’re going to get the bus to the beach. T proposed it this AM and it was so nice just to be able to say yes.

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