
Thankful Thursday

October 12, 2023

Taking my cue directly from The Frugal Girl (who is awesome, and you should check out her blog if you don’t already read it!), today’s post will be Thankful Thursdays, inspired by her post today (and frequently) with the same name.

Thankful for:

A quiet house to work. I am happiest doing my blog/podcast work at home when no one is around! Sometimes Josh is there on Tuesday mornings and that works out fine because he’s pretty quiet too (and we can do some home admin stuff). But Thursdays I have the house entirely to myself and I love it. I have also started sleeping “late” (ie 5:40) on Thursday and doing my run while Josh drives the kids to school. This helps prevent my sleep debt from getting too out of control.

GPS watches. I am old enough to remember training for marathons when GPS was rare and unreliable. You could run outside but without a marked course, who KNEW what you were doing? Some people may not have cared but that was and has never been my vibe. I want credit!! And data! Even my non-running-specific Apple Watch is pretty decent at measuring distance and it even works pretty well on the treadmill (obviously that is a non-GPS function that must rely on body movement sensing)! It’s also really fun to play with GPS data (Runalyze = new fun toy though it uses HR data which is garbage in my case so I take it with a huge grain of salt) and to follow others’ training via strava. Yay for GPS!

Finally learning how to write on Tomoe River Paper with gel pens. Okay, this is BEYOND trivial but makes me happy. I have finally learned how to cover up the part of the paper I just wrote on (I just use a paper bookmark!) to avoid smudging and it means I can use my favorite pens in my favorite planner! This has literally taken me years to figure out and master. But it brings me joy. So I am thankful for finally making it work.

PS: I tried to take a picture of my planner today but there is condensation in my iPhone camera lens and everything looks blurry! Going to let it sleep in a bed of rice tonight . . . apparently that may fix it.

The library hold system. This will never get old. FREE books I can order and give back when I’m done with, conveniently located (our local library is mostly on the way home from work and also right next to piano)? The best.

A taste of fall is on the horizon! Assuming one can be thankful for things that haven’t actually happened yet (can you?) . . . behold the weather prediction:

LOOK AT NEXT MONDAY through WEDNESDAY! We haven’t seen temperatures close to this in many months. I really hope it actually happens, but I guess already thankful for letting me have the anticipation!


  • Reply Irene October 12, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    I have been checking out ebooks from our library and it’s so amazing. I never get fines for being late, I just have to click buttons and new wonderful books appear. I’m so grateful for this function. My daughter also uses this a lot and it encourages her love of reading even more.

  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns October 12, 2023 at 4:09 pm

    The library is amazing. We always make sure to make a charitable contribution to them each year because we are HEAVY library users. The boys check out 15-25 pictures books every time we go. And I almost exclusively read Ebooks from the library. Our 5yo got a library card last weekend so I added his card to my Libby account. I use my husband’s too. Eventually the 5yo will want his ebook holds but that is a ways off. So I will enjoy the windfall of holds! I get 15 for every library card!!

  • Reply Grateful Kae October 12, 2023 at 10:09 pm

    I WFH and looooooove that I basically always have the whole house to myself during the day! Well except I guess during summer. Now when I have anyone home (or guests in the house) while I work, even if they aren’t exactly bothering me, I feel just a little irritable knowing someone is home. Haha.

  • Reply Omdg October 13, 2023 at 9:17 am

    The only problem with wfh for me is that my husband also wfh and it’s honestly just nicer to have a totally quiet house to myself! Haha. I also love smartwatches. In addition to accurate running mileage, they keep me more honest about how active I am.

  • Reply San October 26, 2023 at 7:04 pm

    Hooray for GPS watches indeed! Give me all the stats 😉

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