
Weekly Workouts: October Heat Wave

October 15, 2023

I just read Jenny’s post and agree with her wholeheartedly that this past week was one of the absolute worst, weather-wise, in recent memory.

And then we went even further south, which — as one can imagine — was not any better!

But it’s over and we have some amazing-looking weather coming up. I very much hope it comes to fruition!

And, it’s 8 weeks until race day!!

M: 10 mi @ 9:25/mi, felt good + decent weather. I was happy my legs were doing okay post Saturday’s 20.

T: 9.5 mi with 6 x 20s strides.

W: This is when the heat wave started. Group run with 2 running friends – 9.5 mi at 9:27/mi ave, 20 min glute/legs (Selena Samuela / Peloton) and 20 min mobility (Andy Speer / Peloton)

R: Treadmill hill workout – which I usually dread but was super happy to not have to be outside! 3 mi warmup (that part outside) + 10 x 1 min hills (7 mph / 4 %) with 90 seconds jog recovery, 2 mi cooldown. 7.5 mi total

F: 7.77 mi @ 10:15/mi. 82F and “feels like” 91, ugh.

S: 14.3 miles @ 9:43/mi in Key Largo. Over 80F and super humid. I started off really slow, worrying about overheating but finished a bit under 9 min pace feeling okay. I did stop to drink water x3 plus gels x 3.

S: will be barre/yoga

Total: 58.7 mi / strength x 1

Metathon’s highly optimistic prediction:

I am not going to trust it nor will I go out that fast. But it’s fun to see the numbers improve. I also found Runalyze which predicts 3:37 which is likely closer to reality (and would still be absolutely amazing, my old PR is 3:48!).

I have 0 pictures from the Keys because my phone camera died (filled with condensation, for which I blame FL summer). I gave up with my attempts to dry it out with rice and ordered a new one. Pink iPhone 15 coming today – yay!


  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns October 15, 2023 at 8:55 am

    Oh wow. You know it’s humid when it ruins your phone. Sheesh that is BAD!! I hope this cool front comes to fruition. The hot season is so long these days. My sister in AZ complains of the same thing. I wish our country and its leaders could get serious about climate change but I have low faith in that happening with a significant part of the population thinking climate change is a hoax. 🙁 We do what we can individually but it feels like a drop in the bucket of what needs to be done to make a true difference.

    I really hope you get good weather for your marathon. Running in this kind of heat and humidity is making you a stronger runner!! I can’t wait to see what you do! I think you are going to Michigan for your next marathon so hopefully that will be a nice cool race! Weather on race day is so important but such a wild card!!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 15, 2023 at 10:05 am

      To be fair I don’t know if that’s what did it (my guess is also something has to be broken to let the condensation build up in there!). And yes to climate change. We need solutions at the highest levels and they don’t seem to be coming fast enough.

  • Reply Erin October 15, 2023 at 11:30 am

    Oh wow, did not know either of these predictors existed and just spent way too long looking at them, ha. They put me at a 3:26 and 3:28 which feels way way way off from how I feel this training cycle has gone, but my PR is not far from that so I suppose it is theoretically possible, just doesn’t feel likely! I think you’ll absolutely crush your PR at this marathon! Fingers crossed for weather that allows you to.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 15, 2023 at 11:40 am

      That’s awesome! And it def makes sense based on your training, you have had some great runs. Yes weather matters! Hopefully great for both of us!

  • Reply jennystancampiano October 16, 2023 at 8:17 pm

    Well, we survived. 50 degree temps rolling in overnight!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow will be the best run ever. Of course it won’t stay that cool- we’ll be going back and forth for the next month or so. But still- hopefully we won’t have that intense heat and humidity again this year. UGH.
    Funny that you went FURTHER SOUTH. That must have been fun. Well, I’m sure it was fun other than the weather- Key Largo is nice.

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