
November Coffee Date

November 7, 2023

Assorted Life Updates

1- The past 2 days of running have gone well! I am taking today off at the instruction of my coach but felt really good on Sunday’s (mini) long run of 7 miles and yesterday’s run with my (fast) friend with a couple of ~8:30 miles thrown in there. We were talking and I wasn’t looking at my watch so was pleasantly surprised to see the splits.

(It was also 62 degrees which helped and felt a-m-a-z-i-n-g.)

I am leaning towards running my race as long as I get in a couple of decent long runs AND as long as I don’t have any signs of injury. I will definitely adjust my time goal but I think since I’ve been training for soooooo long I’d rather just do it, see what happens, and then regroup to train for May’s Bayshore marathon. This one can be more like practice/getting my feet wet rather than ultimate maximal perfectly trained effort, if that makes sense.

2- I am getting really excited about planning 2024. I started during the retreat, but since I was leading it couldn’t exactly get into the ideal headspace. It was fun to start generating ideas and as usual I LOOOVED hearing about others’ goals and dreams! I already have a tentative word of the year which I will reveal at a later date just in case I decide to change it. Ha.

3- I am behind in budgeting. It’s November 7 and YNAB is a mess. I also managed to spend over $300 at Trader Joe’s this past weekend – a first. I really want to try to use what we have over the next couple of months. Maybe a freezer/pantry challenge of sorts? I would love to do my monthly audit today but I have:

  • school drop-off
  • a mammogram (ugh but at least 6 months overdue so I’m getting it done)
  • BLP ep to record (Nov Q&A)
  • BOBW show notes to write
  • BLPA Session #5 (Seasonal + Monthly Planning focus – a fun one)
  • Soccer game – my first chance to see C play on his school team, so I’m grabbing it (I missed the first two due to clinical work + being away)
  • Orthodontist appointment – very grateful it’s a 5:30 appointment! I do appreciate this later slot.
  • Gymnastics pickup (may be me or Josh depending)

Whew. Not a lot of empty space, as per usual. Budget audit will have to wait . . .

4- I am enjoying the more frequent posts from other bloggers during this NaBloPoMo! I am trying to comment a bit more. My biggest commenting roadblock is that I often have trouble with leaving comments a) on my work computer (some blocker in place) and b) on my phone. That only leaves my laptop which honestly IS the best place to read blogs, but sometimes when there’s random downtime the other modalities are more convenient.

I am happy old school blogging is still a thing and perhaps even more of a thing than it was a couple years ago.

5- I am going to create a little paper check-off sheet to use in clinic indicating what I need the front desk to print for each patient. For YEARS I have gathered and/or printed everything out myself (and have felt annoyed/resentful about it because I have never seen a physician do this in any other office I have gone to myself). I had been dreaming about this option (having these little checkoff sheets in the room, handing it to the patient, and having the front desk print instructions / labs / imaging orders etc instead oof having to personally chase them and often reprint them becuase our system is glitchy) and THEN the orthopedic surgeon I saw (who is in the same healthcare system) was using exactly what I was envisioning and I am now determined to make it my own reality.

Not having to go into each room twice will probably save a lot of time and effort and 10 years into practice I’m tired of chasing my printed orders around. I will probably get fewer steps in but I am fine with that.

I will end with a pen test I did the other day because I was influenced to order a gel pen in every Hobonichi monthly theme color!

The Gelly Roll pens are a little inky for me but they do offer serious nostalgia. The Sarasa are decent but the Uni Signo are my favorites of this bunch!


  • Reply Amanda November 7, 2023 at 8:25 am

    I think my word of the year next year is going to be “Basic” lol. I ordered my same ink and volt planner that I’ve used the last 2 years in black, and as I enter my mid-30s I feel like I just need to admit/embrace that basic things are often great and make me happy. I’m expecting baby #3 in the spring and my oldest will be starting kindergarten in the fall, so I feel like I don’t want to be overly ambitious and will have lots of natural (but positive) limitations on what I can accomplish outside of what will need to be done. I want to focus on the basics – sleep, exercise, nutrition, enjoying time w my family, and getting the basics/necessities done at work.

    So glad that your injuries are improving and looking forward to hearing more about your plans/goals for 2024!

  • Reply AM November 7, 2023 at 8:43 am

    So glad to hear you’re running again!
    Would you be willing to give an update on what blogs you follow and which podcasts you like?

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 7, 2023 at 11:17 am

      fun idea yes!! I subscribe to 9943949 podcasts would be long 🙂 But I can def share.

  • Reply jennystancampiano November 7, 2023 at 9:12 am

    I think your plans sound good! I think you said you haven’t run a marathon in a long time, so maybe doing JAX as kind of a “practice” marathon is a good idea. Then you can target the May race for a possible PR. And I’m SO HAPPY you’re getting to run in our beautiful weather. It’s been hot during the day but early mornings feel amazing. I would be very sad if you were missing it.

  • Reply Nadine November 7, 2023 at 12:46 pm

    Wow that paper system sounds so annoying and definitely an admin task. I live in New Zealand and pretty much all that stuff is digital. The doctor sends orders directly to the lab / pharmacy, and just tells me which one. Any important instructions or lab results go to my app. Is it too futuristic to just do it digitally and not offer a paper option?

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 7, 2023 at 2:04 pm

      It’s absolutely all in the portal and orders are electronic But my patients ALWAYS want paper copies and some really don’t want to use the (in their defense, rather cumbersome) portal. 🙁

  • Reply Annabel November 7, 2023 at 2:17 pm

    I love the gelly rolls but when I used them yesterday, my hand (and the opposite side of the paper) were covered in ink. I love the uniballs ones too.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 7, 2023 at 2:18 pm

      did you really just comment? love it <3

  • Reply Lisa's Yarns November 7, 2023 at 2:53 pm

    My Rheumatologist has a paper check-off list that you describe. You absolutely should implement this – and get your colleagues to use it to! That is not something you should be dealing with! The slip from my doctor also indicates when I need my next follow-up appt in the event I schedule on my way out (which I rarely do but I imagine some do, especially older less internet-savvy patients).

    I am glad you are able to run without issues! I think it makes sense to run the marathon – you can just go in without expectations (hopefully you can truly not have expectations) and see how it goes. The weather will be so much better leading up to a May marathon so I bet the training cycle will be so much better than this cycle!!

  • Reply Shelley November 7, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    I like the idea of running a marathon with less time pressure, as that’s exactly what I recently did! I hadn’t run a marathon in 7 years, so I ran Santa Rosa in August to prove to myself that I could still do it and remember what it feels like to run one. I got a BQ by a very narrow margin, which was not enough to get in, so now I’m training for Houston with more focus and confidence. I’m very happy I did a trial run of the marathon even knowing my training cycle was shorter than it should have been and far from perfect.

  • Reply Hana November 8, 2023 at 6:50 am

    I just came to say that I also spent $300 at Trader Joe’s for the first time ever this week (and had a mini heart attack) and I have not touched our budget yet this month either! Let’s hope things slow down slightly before the true holiday madness sets in!

  • Reply mdk November 8, 2023 at 11:29 am

    Maybe too niche, but I would love to hear more about the paper system you’re planning to implement. Right now, my clinic uses paper for *too* many things, in my opinion. Even though I love paper for my own planning, it can get cumbersome in clinic the way we do it. Thanks!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 8, 2023 at 1:20 pm

      I literally just made a word doc today – I’ll take a pic + email it! Trying it out . . .

  • Reply Christina November 8, 2023 at 12:25 pm

    I have now been influenced to buy the matching pens, too!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 8, 2023 at 2:19 pm


  • Reply San November 11, 2023 at 7:33 pm

    I love your pen test page. I am very particular about pens – how the writing looks but also how they feel in my hand. Do you have a favorite favorite pen?

    So glad you hear you’re back to running and feeling good. It’s probably wise to take it easy and not set any lofty goals, but just the fact that you’re moving again is amazing.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 12, 2023 at 11:52 am

      Pentel Energel Clena, 0.4!!!! (Very close runner up: Pilot Juice Up 04)

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