
That End of the Month Feeling

January 31, 2024

(When I started writing this post I did not plan on writing a “Ta Da” type list but I did and it made me happy. So, I recommend this if you are struggling with any end-of-the-month feelings about what you didn’t get done. You probably DID more than you think . . .)

WELLLL, We Made It!

January had a lot of wins but not going to lie – I’m a bit tired now and kind of scowling at my own self-assigned tasks. Even us upholders have limits (well, this one does anyway).

(TMI alert: I am also seriously PMSing, which is terrible timing since the end of the month is never my favorite! But what are you going to do?)

I think I am just going to follow my own advice and not try to white knuckle through the next few days. I can take my time and decide what is worth migrating forward and what isn’t.

AND, let’s take a moment to celebrate what DID happen in January! We can call this a “ta da” post of sorts.

  • My two big kids headed to very outdoorsy field trips with their classes! I have been loving the pictures/texts that have come through. I would loooooove to share if they give me permission upon return. Think beautiful boating scenes and crystal blue sky. Lucky kids!
  • Josh and I saw Mitski (and had an actual date night, first in a while)!! She was great and it was fun to go to a concert again.
  • I saw 2024 Mean Girls with the kids and then played the soundtrack 3834 times with the kids. It really grew on me!
  • I finished 5 books and started 2 (omg the novel Wellness is pulling me in. Which is good because it’s LONG, like 600 pages)
  • I ran 223 miles + did strength 11 times (12 if I get it in today) + 6 session of yoga or barre (on Peloton). And one ride (yes, I guess it is clear I need to return the bike!). More importantly I am running with no pain and have been really enjoying it.
  • I finished teaching the sessions in BLP at Home: Planning 2024 and I think they went really well!! I loved the energy of the participants.
  • We made some good progress on booking FUTURE travel (Montana flights, sketch of our New England summer trip largely based on Kae‘s recs)
  • We proactively dealt with some kid issues and things seem overall positive
  • I organized my Apple Notes and my office area šŸ™‚
  • I got new work shoes (wearing them now, they are comfortable too!) and dropped off my new wide leg jeans to be hemmed
  • I sent in my 1099s and W2/W3 forms early!!! (Not saying I’m done with our taxes or anything because NO but these two things are time sensitive and in the past I’ve cut it much too close)
  • I made it through a call week with a largely positive attitude
  • I went the whole month without biting my nails!!!! (And rewarded myself with a mani-pedi yesterday.)
  • Set a (lifetime!) PR in the 5K kind of randomly
  • I honesty didn’t scroll the whole month (and stayed entirely off of reddit). I did go over my typical screen time ‘ideal limits’ the past few days but most of that was a) texting and b) viewing field trip pix sent to WhatsApp.
  • I had some nice 1:1 time with both A + G (well, for G it will be tonight + tomorrow with the big kids gone on their trips! She is excited). Not enough with C. He will be the first priority next month.
  • New restaurants tried that I can squarely recommend: Maty’s (fancy Miami Peruvian); Maple & Cream (delicious family-friendly brunch); Serious Dumplings (takeout; dumplings etc + soooo good – we actually got this twice in January!)
  • Meditated 27 times (20 min is definitely too long for me right now so I’m abandoning HS 365 and sticking with 10 minute sessions!), read F + NF every day, and did Duolingo 31 times
  • Had the highest RVU # (basically pt volume) that I’ve had in a while. Probably because there was a call week in there and only 1 day of vacation (1/1) but hey – I’ll take it!
  • I think I also blogged every day though I need to double check šŸ™‚

So yeah. I would definitely call this month a success. And full. And fun. There was plenty I didn’t get to but when I look at the list above I feel 100% okay with that. I feel lucky it was largely a healthy month in our household (so many viruses out there) and I do feel like we got out and enjoyed our good weather season quite a bit. Excited for February.


  • Reply Svetlana Zenkin January 31, 2024 at 3:42 pm

    Iā€™m looking at the same wide-leg jeans after hearing you mention them! Except Iā€™m 5ā€™9ā€ and worried that they might be a smidge too short on me, even in the longer inseam. I will probably order them, anyway, and see how they work.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 31, 2024 at 4:16 pm

      I think Kae is your height and she ordered them without a length issue! I had to hem them multiple inches

    • Reply Grateful Kae January 31, 2024 at 4:41 pm

      Yes, I impulse ordered them to try wide leg after Sarah posted them too! I am close to 5’9″ as well. I first received my “usual” size and felt like they were a little snug in the waist- and in that size they were probably “just” long enough. I wanted to size up just one but they were out of stock. So, I ordered one more size up (which WAS in stock) and just got those and these seem plenty long in the bigger size- though now I’m thinking they may be borderline too big elsewhere. So, they may go back- still deciding! But they are cute! Wide leg totally new to me but the ads were stalking me after I clicked on Sarah’s post, so, thought I’d check them out! šŸ˜†

      • Reply Svetlana June 18, 2024 at 8:29 pm

        A belated thanks for your advice!!

  • Reply Arden January 31, 2024 at 6:55 pm

    Iā€™m a New England gal too. Live in CT and from NH and undergrad in VT. Let me know if you need any other help. Love the White Mountains in NH.

  • Reply Tierney January 31, 2024 at 8:59 pm

    If you are already getting sucked into Wellness that is a good sign b/c I was a little meh on the book and LOVED the last 80 or so pages.

  • Reply Jay Kay February 1, 2024 at 9:03 am

    I’m also reading Wellness and feeling meh about it so far. I do like that is very much written about modern times…

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger February 1, 2024 at 10:19 am

      I nearly died laughing about various aspects of The System (particularly the bedroom parts lol) and the kid parts feel very . . um . . familiar, for better or for worse . . .

  • Reply Josie February 1, 2024 at 10:58 am

    I have a question! I know youā€™ve mentioned before that you are an upholder and Iā€™m going to guess that Laura one too, seeing as youā€™re both very good at setting goals and rules for yourselves. I also read Gretchenā€™s book and know that I am an obliger – I find it incredibly difficult to get to the items on my list that no one but me would know if they were accomplished. Iā€™ve taken small steps, like my husband is an upholder and he instituted a movie night for himself. Now I get to be a part of it, since a movie a week is one of my goals as well, and I feel bad if I miss this bonding time. Any advice for obliger types to trick themselves into their own goals? Gretchenā€™s tips havenā€™t worked great for me, believe me when I say Iā€™ve reread that part quite a few timesā€¦

    Might be a good BLP or BOBW Q, I listen to both so itā€™ll get answered šŸ™‚

  • Reply Tamara February 4, 2024 at 2:37 pm

    I have nails on my “goals” list also. I have to go the opposite way though. If I get a manicure, then I won’t bite my nails or fingers. I’m also going back to old fashioned manicures. No more gel for me. No matter what anyone says, they trash my nails, and make me feel horrible when it’s off. Regular polish does great things for my natural nails!

  • Reply Elissa February 13, 2024 at 2:37 pm

    I mostly dwell on all I didnā€™t get done, rather than appreciate what I did do. šŸ™‚ Glad you had a good month!

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