Best Laid Plans

Episode #201: Planning-Adjacent: A Marathon Journey

June 3, 2024

In today’s episode, I talk through my recent marathon journey, from goal-setting (a looooong time ago!) to the tools and routines that supported my training to the race itself.

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Crunch Labs: Camp CrunchLabs is 12 weeks of awesome build-it-yourself fun! Go to to sign your kids up for Camp CrunchLabs today!


  • Reply Shion Moti Gosrani June 3, 2024 at 7:58 am

    Just listened to this, and it made me so emotional for you. I’m absolutely not a runner but hearing how something went from being on a “someday maybe” list for years, and then eventually it got on to an annual list and how you built from there was very powerful.

    In particular, hearing about the little planning elements that contributed to this massive goal was really interesting. Thanks for sharing so candidly.

  • Reply Kristie June 3, 2024 at 9:59 am

    Great episode!! I was excited to listen to this one for sure. The ways you used planning to reach a big goal is inspiring in so many ways. I was wondering how you and Josh balanced your runs in a day, and you answered that. We’re now at the point where we can both work out in the morning (our oldest is 14), and it’s a game-changer for sure! But helpful that you prefer different times of day anyways. It’s awesome that you and Josh were able to go after this goal together yet in your own separate ways. So many congratulations on a job well done!! I hope Boston is all you dreamed of when you run it!

  • Reply Jenny June 4, 2024 at 8:49 am

    Of course I loved this episode! I do have one question- you mentioned a phase where you had a lot of injuries, and now you just completed a successful training cycle with fairly high mileage. What do you attribute that to? I’m wondering if it was your “beach body” phase of 2020, where you focused so much on strength? I would be happy for your thoughts on this, as injury has been my limiting factor for a while now.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 4, 2024 at 12:20 pm

      Great question – I think a few things:
      – I used to do a ton of treadmill running. I don’t think it served me.
      – I used to do a ton of hill running. I don’t think that served me either!
      – I think I did too high a ratio of speedwork to easy runs in the past
      – THE SHOES are so much better now than they were then!!!!
      – I do also use collagen in my coffee every morning (there is some data for this)
      – I usually do strength train (other than past couple months!) which may have been protective!

      I actually think the FL heat may prevent me from trying to run too fast all the time, too . . .so a mild benefit!?

  • Reply Bridget June 4, 2024 at 9:03 am

    It was so powerful to hear this long journey, and I think it’s especially powerful for moms of littles to hear this example of “you can have it all, just not at the same time.”

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 4, 2024 at 12:20 pm

      aww thank you Bridget!!

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