Browsing Tag

marathon training

  • Fitness

    Post-Marathon Stuff Body/Mind

    Running + Body Stuff (Please ignore this section if discussion of weight or body composition changes is triggering to you!!) Some of you have been curious about body composition changes during the marathon training…

    June 11, 2024
  • Fitness

    1 Week to Go + Prerace Analysis

    Last Week of Training: This week the SoFlo heat arrived in full force with its BFF, humidity. It felt miserable + I was kind of over running this week, to be honest, and if…

    May 18, 2024
  • life

    It is MID MAY

    May has been absolutely kicking my butt. Factors at play: All this is to say that the only progress I have made on ANY long term project is to (drumroll, please) . . MEET…

    May 15, 2024
  • Fitness Reading

    Workouts + Reading Etc

    Hi! I didn’t mean to write Wednesday’s post and then disappear, but — such is life! I just finished a call week (weekdays only) and it was busier and a little more stressful than…

    May 11, 2024
  • Fitness

    3 Weeks to Go!

    20 days, if we are being exact! I missed recording last week’s training, but it was similar to this one – 70 miles with a 20-miler and a midweek workout with miles just a…

    May 5, 2024
  • Fitness Reading

    Running + Reading Report

    6 weeks until race day! AHHHH! The marathon is starting to seem less like a distant idea and more like a real event on the calendar. I feel pretty ready, but I know the…

    April 15, 2024
  • Fitness

    Weekly Workouts from TX

    Hi from DFW (our stop between the West Palm Beach + Bozeman airports!). I haven’t posted in several days but I am very happy to say that generally everything that needed to get done…

    March 24, 2024
  • Fitness

    Weekly Workouts: 10 Weeks Out

    10 Weeks to Go! It was a really good week of training despite call. Except for the fact that I failed to do any strength. Will get back on that this week! I am…

    March 17, 2024
  • Fitness

    Weekly Workouts

    Training for Bayshore Marathon: 11 Weeks to Go Somehow the marathon is not all that far away anymore! It was a good week of training. Not a lot of speedwork — my plan doesn’t…

    March 10, 2024