
Workouts + (Not) Reading Report

August 25, 2024

16 Weeks to Go: JAX Marathon Training

M: 7 mi @ 9:25/mi ave, part with friends (J, T, A, and J!)

T: Speed workout. 7.66 mi total; 12 x 1 min @ 10K pace then 4 x 30s hard. 2 min recovery between each interval. 1 min intervals 6:48 – 7:27/mi (not the most consistent), 30s intervals 5:47 – 6:52/mi though I kind of think that super fast one is probably just watch inaccuracy.

W: 8.33 mi @ 9:46/mi, felt TERRIBLE!

R: 30 min strength with Callie/Peloton (full body), no run – HAD to sleep in!

F: 4.17 mi outside @ 9:23//mi then inside 3.8 mi due to lightning ave 9:43/mi. ~8 total.

S: 16 with middle 6 at MP. Warmup miles ~9:45/mi, then 6 were 8:09, 7:55, 8:15, 8:09, 8:21, 8:05, last 5 9:26/mi ave. Serendipitously I ran into my fast friend just as I was starting my MP miles, so that was fantastic! She motivated me and kept me nice and distracted. Might have gotten a bit chatty and forgot to stay at MP for a couple but averaged out to 8:09/mi which is great for summer (at start — 79/feels like 83/87%).

S: 30 min strength (trying the Ladder app, we will see . . . but decent full body session, as least did something!) + 3 mi shakeout run with one of the other soccer moms before the game (3 mi @ 8:44/mi)

TOTAL: 50 mi // Strength x 1 hr (2 sessions)


NOTHING new to report here. I don’t think my reading days are over, I think this was just an adjustment week. Will report back next Sunday.

Josh humored me and did his Ideal Week yesterday. I am not sure he thought it was earth shattering, but I think it was still useful. I guess I will have to report back on that too.

It’s a soccer tournament weekend (yes already)! Josh is at game #3 (each of us went to 2 out of 3) and I’m taking A to a friend’s performance. Not a lot of down time this weekend but I did get an epic nap doing perfect nap weather (thunderstorm) post-tournament yesterday. Thus, will call it a win!


  • Reply Chelsea August 25, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    Great work! I jogged one whole mile yesterday, lol. But that’s more than 0, which I am grateful for.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 25, 2024 at 12:25 pm

      Yes!!! I saw on Strava. Promising! You will be back. Remember I didn’t end up losing anything long term with a lot of time away last fall. You will be back!!

  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns August 25, 2024 at 12:30 pm

    Nice work on a solid week of workouts on top of back to school adjustments and being post-call! We were at my parents for the week so I did short 3-4 mile runs as the running options are super limited. I did 8 today and it was a total slog as it was really really humid. I love summer but am ready for lower levels of humidity!!

    I finished The Wedding People which I think you read and liked? I loved it and gave it 5 stars. Now I am reading ‘Dust Child’ which is historical fictions set in Vietnam during and after the war.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 25, 2024 at 2:56 pm

      I haven’t read it! I think I had it on a list at one point but never did read!

  • Reply jennystancampiano August 25, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Wow, you did 50 miles in a super difficult week! I like the look on Josh’s face while he’s doing the ideal week, ha ha. Maybe it’s not his thing.
    In a week like you just had, something has to give. You’ll get back to reading when things calm down a little.

  • Reply Elizabeth August 25, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    Wow, you are really an inspiration for me! You had a horrible week and you still logged 50 miles of running!! So happy for you.

    Another vote for The Wedding People! It starts out feeling like it’s going to be super dark but relatively quickly things turn around and I found for a relatively light & easy read, it gave me a decent amount to ponder, and made me so grateful for my life. Recommend!

  • Reply coco August 25, 2024 at 5:47 pm

    I’m so impressed that Josh does your ideal worksheet… I feel like husbands are not good with this kind of things?
    it would be interesting to see what the kids will do if asked, their ideal week.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 25, 2024 at 5:58 pm

      I think that both genders benefit from thinking through this! All we need is for one productivity bro to recommend and maybe it would become a thing ….

      • Reply Yvann August 26, 2024 at 2:54 am

        1) wonder if you can get Cal N to feature it!
        2) did J struggle with ideal week not knowing when work would end each day? That’s the struggle we have in this house and it incites a “why bother”/throwing of hands in the air as I calmly try to explain that one of us has to plan…

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