Fitness Reading

Workouts + Reading Etc

May 11, 2024


I didn’t mean to write Wednesday’s post and then disappear, but — such is life! I just finished a call week (weekdays only) and it was busier and a little more stressful than average. On the plus side, I had a lovely resident with me and I didn’t have to cover nights! I get one call week per year like this, and it’s glorious compared to regular call.

I am sad I didn’t have time for a 5 on Friday post, but I wanted to highlight this podcast/book anyway:

Edit Your Life: “Workplace MicroSkills with Adaira Laundry MD and Resa Lewiss MD“. Perfect timing after my post about women in the productivity space — I just ordered their book! I could see it working well for a health system book club in my own workplace . . . we will see.

Also! I was initially slightly annoyed that school (Cameron’s class specifically) held a Mother’s Day event on a work day BUT it ended up being so sweet and I was able to just head in a little later since it was a call day (these can be more flexible than typical outpatient days as I don’t have outpatients starting at 8:30 AM as I usually do).

picnic blanket service!
C + I look the most alike of the 3 kids, I think! His eyes are Josh but everything else is me

Onward to some running things – my race is 14 days away (!!!) and I am headed into a very undramatic taper — I think next week’s mileage will still be in the 50s, with a tough speed workout on Tuesday! But my coach has gotten me this far so I will continue to trust his judgment.

Bayshore Marathon Training – 2 weeks left (!)

M: 10 mi with J + G, 8:59/mi ave with some strides in there at end.

T: 13.12 mi total, 6 x 1.5 mi @ 15-20 sec under marathon pace. My split paces for these 1.5 mi intervals: 7:41, 7:39, 7:25, 7:39, 7:39, 7:46. I was quite happy with that as it’s starting to get warm + humid (this run = 73F / 86% so not horrible but not ideal either)

W: 7 mi with group (like 5 of us!), 9:19/mi

R: 9 mi with strides 9:36/mi, nice + chill

F: Totally blah 7 mi run, 9:42/mi. This put me in a concerned place about Saturday because I just felt sapped by the heat. I dedicated myself to pounding extra water and LMNT.

S: 20 mi with 10 @ MP. Ave pace 8:33; splits for MP miles: 7:42 (WHY does the first one always feel so easy!?), 8:03, 8:05, 8:11, 8:06, 8:18 (remember thinking “this feels easy!” and then seeing the split and being like ahh that’s why), 8:12, 8:03, 8:02, 8:03. Weather was lame, 75 at start, 79 at finish, 92% humidity. My clothes were SO SATURATED AND HEAVY by the end because all of that sweat got produced . . . and none of it evaporated. I am relieved this went well because my mindset needed it with just 2 weeks to go.

I treated it as a “dress rehearsal” carrying all of my gels and wearing my race outfit including my chosen shoes (Asics Metaspeed Paris Edge).

I did not simulate the ‘water tables’ of race day and instead drank quickly at miles 5 + 17 in my driveway.

WILL MY HR be this high for the actual marathon is the question – hoping at least a tiny bit of this is heat OR that I truly can sustain a ~170 HR for 3-4 hours!

We will find out soon enough.


Kind of a meh reading week. Not going to lie, call stress sent me to my usual (dumb) coping mechanism (Reddit!) and it cut into my reading time.

I did finish Open by Nate Klemp (all about meditation and other techniques to attain a more open stance to life) and am halfway through Elin Hilderbrand’s The Five Star Weekend. I started this book on the rec of my (super fast / talented / experienced) running friend:

I read the intro this morning and even that kind of helped me on my LR as I told myself “it’s okay not to be super comfortable right now”.

On that note, I am TIRRREEEDDDD. There is absolutely a nap in my future today, hopefully soon.


  • Reply Christine May 11, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    Hi! I am a long time reader and rarely have commented but I wanted to say that I am so impressed by your running! The 20 miler with 10 at MP looks awesome. You are so fast! Do you think working with a coach has helped the most or running regularly/ with good runners? I’m a former marathoner trying to get back into it after 3 kids and am making slow progress so would love any tips you might have. Good luck in your upcoming marathon!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 11, 2024 at 1:06 pm

      My last marathon was in 2009! In September 2022, I ran a 5K all out and my pace was 9:15/mi. I decided then that I wanted to try to get faster again and increased my mileage. I ended up hiring a coach Feb 2023 (through Microcosm) and set a PR in a half marathon this year (I’m turning 44 in may so this was exciting). Hoping to BQ either now or December! For me the key has been a ton of base building and consistent mileage in the 50+ range, I peaked at 70 this training cycle. I used to have a lot of injuries when training at this level but I think super shoes and some other things helped stave them off (though had that freak parking accident in October!)

      PS fast is all relative – I run with one woman who regularly races half marathons around 6:00 pace! That will never be me as I just don’t have that kind of talent, and at the same time it has been really fun to make progress!!

      • Reply Christine May 13, 2024 at 3:32 pm

        This is so inspiring to hear!! I’m turning 40 later this year and this gives me hope I can improve my running a bit. Wishing you the best in your marathon!

  • Reply Kersti May 11, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    I’m in such a reading slump lately. I want something uplifting and fun but not too easy. Does anyone write anything like that anymore?? It seems like entertainment (books, TV, movies) is so dark these days.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 11, 2024 at 1:07 pm

      Have you already seen Ted Lasso? If not- it’s still awesome! (We are planning to re watch w the kids)

      • Reply Kersti May 12, 2024 at 11:59 am

        Everyone recommends Ted Lasso so I guess I need to check it out!

    • Reply Lisa’s Yarns May 11, 2024 at 2:37 pm

      Kersti, have you read ‘The Guncle’? It has some heavier aspects to the plot line but is overall very light, funny and uplifting. The sequel comes out this spring which I plan to read. Another book that comes to mind is Pineapple Street. I considered that book brain candy that goes down easily. It is hard to find lighter books! Even romances can have heavy plot lines with a lot of conflict which stresses me out.

      • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 11, 2024 at 2:46 pm

        Loved pineapple street!!!!

      • Reply Kersti May 12, 2024 at 12:01 pm

        Lisa, thank you! I will check both of those out!

  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns May 11, 2024 at 2:39 pm

    Great work on another solid week of training on top of call! Glad it wasn’t too bad – not doing nights would make a huge difference I am sure. I feel like I would be bracing to be woken – kind of like how you feel when you have a newborn/young baby – so your sleep is not great even if you aren’t woken.

    I can’t wait to see what you do on race day. I’m thrilled that you are approaching the starting line healthy. That feels like 2/3s the battle.

  • Reply jennystancampiano May 11, 2024 at 9:10 pm

    Our races are the same weekend! I’ll be running a little farther than you, and you’ll be running a whole lot faster than me. I read your response to Christine’s comment and found it encouraging. Your 5k pace in 2022 was 9:15 and now you’re shooting for a BQ. I used to run SO MUCH FASTER, but somehow the speed has just drained out of my legs. But there’s still hope- I’m going to focus on speedwork this summer and try to get some of it back. I’m not sure if a BQ is in my future, but I would like to get myself out of the “tortoise” category.
    Anyway- great job on a hot 20 miler. With any kind of luck at all, your marathon will feel easy compared to the heat of Florida. Plus you’ll have aid stations and crowd support- I think it’s going to be a great day!
    I hope you got a nap today.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 12, 2024 at 9:10 am

      I’m so excited for your race too Jenny!!!! I think mine is the day before yours so I will get to enjoy your race report while I recover 🙂 🙂 Speed aside I do not have the mental toughness to do any race with “swat” in the name!! You are awesome!!!

  • Reply Coco May 12, 2024 at 4:46 am

    Getting so excited for your upcoming race. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  • Reply San May 17, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    Awesome training and so excited for your race.

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