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podcast rec

  • Fitness Reading

    Workouts + Reading Etc

    Hi! I didn’t mean to write Wednesday’s post and then disappear, but — such is life! I just finished a call week (weekdays only) and it was busier and a little more stressful than…

    May 11, 2024
  • life Weekend

    5 on a Friday: Life Tidbits

    1- THE CAMP SPREADSHEET IS COMPLETE! Whew, I think this is the latest I’ve ever finished with this. I anticipate things getting even more complicated next year as A will age out of more…

    April 12, 2024
  • life Parenting Reading

    5 on a Thursday . . .

    1- I really liked this post from The Frugal Girl yesterday: Being easily pleased is a superpower. It is a superpower, yet it is not always easily accessible. However, I 100% agree it is…

    March 3, 2022
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Fatigued Edition

    1- This was a WEEK. I am triggered emotionally now every time a kid gets a URI. G ultimately tested negative for CV (yay) but we kept her home 2 days. I still had…

    January 28, 2022
  • 5 on a Friday

    1- Packed day follow up. I did, as many suggested, order takeout delivered to my desk. (Bringing lunch would also have worked, but I didn’t manage to do it!). Like some of you commented,…

    June 11, 2021