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  • Book Reviews Budget

    YNAB, Budgets, etc

    So I started Your Money or Your Life last night. Woah. First of all, it’s definitely dated (it’s a 2008 updated version of a 1990s book although I just realized there’s a 2018 one…

    January 21, 2020
  • Budget Goals life

    5 on a Friday

    1- Mani/pedi. I got my nails done yesterday! It is one of my “20 for 2020” to do this monthly. Having them done a) looks pretty and put together; b) prevents me from biting…

    January 10, 2020
  • Budget


    We are not homeowners!!!! We are not homeowners!!!! We may never be homeowners again! And I am thrilled about it. Yep, we sold our house on Tuesday (ie, we closed) after a mere 367…

    December 5, 2019