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  • life Reading

    5 Quick Things on a Friday

    Thank you for your kind words and suggestions yesterday. I honestly think I will feel better once the Big Presentation (next Friday) is over and done with. I also recognize (more now) that some…

    November 12, 2021
  • Fashion

    Work Pants: A Review/Round Up!

    I would first like to note that we had a weekend that was pretty close to perfect in my book: no sick children, a date night (upland miami – SO good), kids that slept…

    February 11, 2019
  • weekends, pants, workouts & more

    Well. Another weekend on the books. We are in a phase of life where each weekend is a mashup of fuzzy feelings of family togetherness spiked with intermittent bursts of frustration and exhaustion. Josh…

    January 22, 2019