
Feeling Better (Everyone!)

June 27, 2024

I was so relieved to see a temp of 100.5 on the thermometer (and a tired, but not super-ill-appearing kid) this morning instead of 103! I think the antibiotic switch made a huge difference and I am no longer super anxious and distracted.

Nothing like a little pneumonia to bring some unwanted excitement into the summer. It is amazing how much other stressors seem so much less significant in the face of an issue like that.

Honestly, I am not one to get too worked up when my kids get minor illnesses. They are generally healthy and I know that these things are normal and just an expected part of life. BUT this one got my attention and I was so relieved to see things going in the right direction today. HOORAY for antibiotics!

NOW I can think about things like how the summer is going really really fast already (3 weeks of dance camp already over!) and how 2025 seems to be setting new records for Number of Dates Already on the Calendar when it’s not even July of the year prior. Ahh well. It’s all generally fun stuff.

In other news, C went to guitar camp this week! He is a very new player but I was totally impressed at what he picked up in just a short time. They are doing an all Green Day week, which cracks me up (songs I was blasting on my CD player in 1994 are living on!). He can sing on key while playing the guitar and he has just barely learned the chords! I think he is instinctively musical (honestly, all 3 kids sing very much on pitch) and I joked to Josh that CLEARLY we need more activities in this house and he should do something in music more consistently. (And really, he should! Will figure out how to fit it in.)

I am also proud of him for jumping into this new activity. It is HARD to do that when you’re 10 (or 11, as the case was with Annabel and dance). I wish it wasn’t the case, but so many things are set up to have kids specialize so young and that can make it really intimidating to start later.


  • Reply Lani Inlander June 27, 2024 at 2:08 pm

    So relieved to hear the fever is breaking!!!

  • Reply Noemi June 27, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    Yay! So glad A is feeling better and has a lower fever. A week of fevers that high would stress anybody out!
    And it’s awesome that C is doing guitar. It is hard to start things at 10/11yo these days and that is a giant bummer. I wish it weren’t that way.
    I feel like summer always seems to go by so fast. I’m only in my second week and it feels like it’s flying by already. A series of big-event weeks at the beginning isn’t helping with that feeling…

  • Reply Gillian June 27, 2024 at 2:56 pm

    Yay! Antibiotics!!! It takes a lot for me to get worked up about a kid too but that fever would catch my attention. So glad she is feeling better!

    • Reply MB June 27, 2024 at 5:30 pm

      So glad A is feeling better!

      I just had to comment that as I was reading this post, When I Come Around came up on my Spotify playlist! What a coincidence!

  • Reply Lisa's Yarns June 27, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    Summer has JUST started for us so I have a very different frame of reference, but we go back to school after Labor Day. Paul is in the first week of his summer program. But as a child, I thought of the 4th of July as the mid-point of summer since we got our around Memorial Day and went back to school mid-August. So I have to intentionally fight against my instinct to think of the 4th as the mid-point. The weather is getting nicer for us, too, so we are in pool/park/beach mode!

    I am glad that A is feeling better and not running such a high fever. Yay for antibiotics!!

  • Reply Elisabeth June 27, 2024 at 7:48 pm

    This is crazy! My A also has pneumonia and we just started a second antibiotic today because her fever kept spiking (to almost 106!). I’m hoping this new AB will do the trick.

    So glad your A is feeling better. Fevers are so scary and can be so nebulous (what’s causing it?!).

  • Reply Sesb June 27, 2024 at 8:46 pm

    I’d be freaked out about a week long fever too! So glad she seems to be doing better.

  • Reply coreebrownswan June 28, 2024 at 10:46 am

    Oh I’m so glad A is feeling better!

    Green Day! My son’s 23 year old teacher told me she was going to see Green Day in concert this week… and kind of started to explain WHO Green Day was. My child, I am 40 years old and American, you don’t need to explain this to me.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 28, 2024 at 12:38 pm

      hahahahahahah yes!!!!

  • Reply jennystancampiano June 28, 2024 at 10:52 am

    Oh, hooray! Elisabeth also has a kid sick with pneumonia- is this a new summer thing??? Anyway, glad A is feeling better and you can relax.
    That is cool that C is going to guitar camp! Both my kids started instruments at age 11 (in the school band program) so it’s definitely not too late.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 28, 2024 at 12:38 pm

      yes it’s wild! I suspect they have the same thing. Sounds like they both needed antibiotic switches (wonder if for her it was amox–> azithro too). I really think C should do some kind of music!

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