off to babyland

April 11, 2009

good morning! this is a work weekend for me, but for once i’m really not complaining. i’ll be in the full-term nursery with the newborns — our census (and number of deliveries) won’t really be affected by the holiday weekend, but i can dream that perhaps durham was too hot 9 months ago (july!) for knocking boots. it’s been such a long time since i worked with babies (november, really!) that i’m actually looking forward to their little crinkled faces, smushed heads, and soft skin after that first bath.

of course, all of these warm and fuzzy feelings are subject to change when one of them spikes a fever and i am forced to go on a quest to obtain fluids from every orifice. but hopefully, that won’t happen.

i’m just doing a half-shift today (full 12 hours tomorrow) so my workmorning will be followed by this weekend’s long run — 10-11 miles! i’m looking forward to it a lot, and i am going to use it as a practice run for my NON-RACE in charlottesville next week. i plan on hitting the durham tobacco trail and taking it at a very relaxed, feel-good pace. this will be my first double digit run since february 24th . . . pretty exciting.

plans for the day
☑ 1/2 day in the full term nursery
☑ relaxing lunch @ home
☑ 10-11 miles on the ATT
☑ laundry!
☑ shred (i skipped yesterday)
☑ dinner out (maybe with sister? r., if you are reading this . . . let me know!)



workout: 25 minutes on the elliptical (levels 9-12) + 20 minutes on the stationary bike. i can tell that my cycling muscles are getting a bit stronger! also, josh said something to me at dinner last night like, “i can really see your arm muscles . . . you look buff! but not in a disgusting way.”i guess this chick would not be his type. apparently the writers of aren’t fans either.

doin’ time: no martha action last night — instead i employed my trusty omelet chef (josh). unfortunately, i gave him the impossible task of ‘fitting as much stuff as you can into the omelet’ and it turned into to a bit of a mess, but it was a delicious mess nonetheless. served with pita chips & hummus, and a beer. great friday night fare.


  • Reply Jon (was) in Michigan March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Yeah, that might be a little too much muscle on her for me. Oddly, askmen’s top 10 list of “fitness” women, didn’t really show anyone looking particularly fit. They just looked like thin models. Maybe they think of “fit” and “thin” being the same thing?

  • Reply da March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Next time Josh and you visit, he’s gotta make us omelets!
    L, da

  • Reply Susan March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    I agree with Jon…those models are mainly thing with big boobs. It’s hard to imagine them working out. Come to think of it, on America’s Next Top Model, they never show the models working out or anything. Hmmmm.

    Babies can be fun! Especially when they’re not yours and you can give them back…

  • Reply RunToFinish March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    yeah for great runs!!!

    i love making omelets, especially when I’m ready for a veggie fix

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