peace & quiet

April 5, 2009

next step: manicure

i spent most of yesterday by myself, catching up on various things. our plans for the evening were thwarted by burn unit mayhem, which was not terribly surprising. because there was so much going on there (and josh is on call every night from home), he didn’t feel comfortable driving all the way to raleigh (30-40 minutes away). finding myself in a peaceful, lazy, quiet groove anyway, i was cool with that.

honestly, i’m feeling pretty cool with everything right about now. it is amazing what a couple of months of good sleep and normal (or even better than normal) working schedule can do for the psyche. i’m thrilled to find out that when not stressed to the max, i’m actually quite a happy, content person. i appreciate the little things. i enjoy life. i don’t find the subconscious need to gnaw off my nails in random fits of angst, and i’ve actually had to CUT THEM for the first time in years this morning.

my to-do list isn’t empty, but it looks manageable, and some tasks even seem like (dare i say it?) fun, such as prepping my presentation for wednesday and designing my resident community challenge project. i can’t say there is a moral to this story other than that at least for me,


there, i said it.

run report
probably a second reason for my inner glow this morning is that i was able to do my long run yesterday and easily completed 9 miles without pain! i took it cautious and slow, bringing my pace to a very relaxed 9:30/mi. however, in honor of the upcoming charlottesville half, i didn’t avoid rolling terrain (it’s hard to stay flat anyway in chapel HILL).

i think i will be able to run the aforementioned race in 2 weeks without a problem! cardiovascularly, i was fine at the relaxed pace, and the only thing that made me happy to finish at the end was that my mouth was turning into the sahara desert. i’ve actually done the c-ville half twice before (in 2005 and 2006), so i know what i’m getting into hill-wise, but i think i can handle it. maybe some of my strengthening on the spin bike and with the shred will actually pay off!

finally, i need to clarify that while i am going to RUN the charlottesville half, i am not going to race it. i’ve never actually done this — gone into a race with absolutely no intention of trying to push it. this time, though, it is truly for my own good, because

a) i really am not TRAINED to race a half right now

b) i don’t want to risk irritating my hip

c) trying to race would likely result in some form of bonking, due to one or both factors above, and i want to have a good time and enjoy it.

fleet feet
i realized yesterday that i have nearly 500 miles on my current pair of brooks glycerin 5s (481, to be exact). i think it’s time for a replacement, and i have decided that in hopes of getting some expert advice AND supporting the local economy, i will head to the nearest specialty running store (fleet feet in carrboro). i’ve worn various reincarnations of brooks glycerins for a lo-o-ong time now, but at the same time i’ve been battling various injuries for just as long. maybe it’s time for a change . . .



workout: 9 miles on rolling hills of CH at average 9:30/mi (very consistent mile splits according to my polar accelerometer), plus 25 minutes of yoga for runners. i am proud to announce that finally managed to stay in half-moon without falling over. vishnu, gimme five!

reading: about an hour working on upcoming clinic presentation on exercise recommendations for pediatric patients. also, lots of murakami.

flossing: yes. thanks to my parents for nagging me.


  • Reply rebecca March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    bonking also = sex (british slang)

  • Reply vickie March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    glad that you are up for running the half! i will be at the finish line waiting… to go shopping! can’t wait to see you guys!

  • Reply Susan March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    New running shoes are so fun! I ran in Asics when I started running, but I always got some form of shin pain with them. I went through a pair of Nikes, and eventually landed on Brooks Adrenaline, which I’ve LOVED ever since. (We’re talking at least twelve pairs…) Try something new! You never know what might work better.

    I’m impressed by anyone who can hold yoga poses…some of them are so hard!

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