clinic chief
so far, i am enjoying my new role as clinic chief! it’s about 10 times less stressful than being on the wards, and there’s an administrative aspect to it that i actually sort of like. without much effort, i was able to maintain a rather zen mindset while the clinic buzzed along — although it helped that it wasn’t a terribly packed patient load.
it’s always hardest to be mindful in the moments when it is the most necessary! why is that?!
a regular day
as nerdy as it sounds, i am looking forward to today, not because there is anything special about it, but just because it’s a regular day. time for clinic, reading, running, cooking, and the privilege of resting for 7+ hours in my own bed at night — honestly this makes me so happy!
workout: 40 minutes elliptical while reading elle — now i know all there is to know (and then some) about miley cyrus.
doin’ time: no dinner post (i had a meeting . . . a rather pleasant meeting which involved free pizza & beer), so here’s yesterday’s packed lunch instead:
still loving the laptop lunchbox! contents here include leftover potato salad, leftover tomato/arugula salad, a few whole wheat crackers, string cheese, and cherries.
reading/teaching: yesterday i taught a little blurb about STARI and i think it went over well — insect-borne illness is always slightly more interesting just because of the exotic factor! i didn’t get in any reading last night (thanks to the aforementioned beer . . . amazing what that can do to one’s motivation) but about to prep for today’s session.
1 Comment
ther is something just so aesthetically pleasing about the lunchbox