the first week

April 14, 2012

back in the present tense
so, hi! i feel like i’ve done a ton of recapping and reflecting, but have written very little on what’s been going on now that we have our baby home + safe. somehow 9 days have gone by and she’s over a week old already! amazingly, i can see that she is already changing — her habits, her size [!!], her alertness. even more striking is the incredibly steep learning curve that josh and i have been on, trying to figure out her patterns and how to best keep her happy.

things we are learning:

✔ how to win at some of her diaper antics [never trust a naked baby!]
✔ the amazingness of the miracle blanket
✔ that she loves to eat but isn’t always on task [working on that!]
✔ NOT to rush over and pick her up at the slightest whimper [we’re not talking about a cry here — just a little sound]. often she will make a few little noises but then fall back asleep happily on her own for quite some time.
✔ that she has some sort of internal schedule going on, even if we don’t quite understand it yet. her naps over the past few days have been a clockwork 2.5 hours each [much more irregular is the awake time BETWEEN naps]

i’m currently playing baby anthropologist to try to figure out her patterns . . .although i’m sure by the time i do they will probably change.

daily life
basically, we’re just trying to go with the flow around here. we’ve been trying to get out for walks daily and do a bath every other day, and . . . that’s about it! i’ve snuck in some blogging time [ie, her birth story!] between naps. but i find the best thing has been to let go of any expectations of what will be done when. as long as we all stay fed and relatively sanitary, the main priority is just getting as much rest as possible.

i’m not going to lie — there have been a few hormone-fueled meltdowns on my behalf [i find myself getting really paranoid about certain things, like my milk supply]. and the fatigue everyone talks about is very real — pretty similar to being on overnight call, and let’s face it — i was never a fan of that. however, it’s been manageable because eventually she will nap, and that gives me time to catch up. last night was actually pretty decent, with essentially 3 x 2.5 hour stretches. it was fragmented, but that’s 7.5 hours of sleep! i’ll take it.

2 parents / 1 baby
it has been amazing having josh off this whole time and i have to admit i’m nervous for what things will be like when we can no longer tag team throughout the day. he has been going to the grocery store, cooking dinner, cleaning up, doing many overnight diaper changes, etc — making things MUCH easier for me to focus on just feeding + snuggling.

we’ve been eating well:

clean eating’s meatball bahn mi
homemade vegetable soup with a side of sleeping baby
on my end, things are quite good! i did sustain a 2nd degree tear at the delivery with lots of lovely stitches, but it actually hasn’t been so bad painwise after the first few days. i’ve been able to walk and do pretty much everything without any problems.

breastfeeding has gone fairly well, too. i wouldn’t call it painless [i LOVE THESE hydrogel pads] but once she’s latched, each feed is getting more and more comfortable. our biggest issue, as i wrote above, is that she tends to be sleepy feeder which can lead to marathon sessions [think 5 separate feeds over a 2.5 hour period]. she does sleep in between these bouts though so i can’t complain too much!

finally, there’s the whole baby weight issue — i know i’m always curious to read how others bounce back from their deliveries, so i am sure some are interested in my experience. i ended up gaining 19 lbs during the pregnancy [i think at one point i was up +21, but then lost a couple despite my best efforts over the last few weeks]. of note, i had also gained something like 7 prior to getting pregnant, but was stable at that size for a few months before conceiving.

i really didn’t expect this to happen, but as of now, the 19 are already gone.

now don’t get me wrong: my body is NOT back to its original condition. i currently have no waist to speak of and things are very soft in the midsection area [although no stretch marks!! yay!!]. and my chest is huge 🙂 but my [biggest pair of] jeans fit, as they sit at the hips. they are maybe even a little looser in some areas [muscle loss??].

i haven’t tried on that many other things yet, but i’m happy to at least have some non-maternity options to put on! i’m assuming the rest of the uhh . . . reshaping will take some time. i do plan on returning to working out in addition to stroller walks [at-home yoga + hopefully some running!] but not for at least another week or so.

so that’s it — the story at 9 days out! happy saturday!


  • Reply Denise March 10, 2019 at 7:19 pm

    I’m glad to hear that you guys are doing so well. The miracle blanket is the BEST! Enjoy Annabel. Everyone looks great! XOXO

  • Reply Marci March 10, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    Figuring out their patterns is so tricky! Everyday really has something new. You look great! Those 2.5 hour feedings sound long! I’m reading now while he is eating. I also had a 2nd degree tear and was surprised how no one really talks about the recovery. I definitely didn’t know what to expect! Hope y’all are having a quiet Saturday night too!

  • Reply AtillaSungermd March 10, 2019 at 7:19 pm

    These might just be two magical weeks, enjoy!

  • Reply Nico March 10, 2019 at 7:19 pm

    You’re going to have to eat like a horse from here on out! 🙂 She’s adorable, and it sounds like you’re managing well 🙂

  • Reply Lee March 10, 2019 at 7:43 pm

    I love reading about how people adjust to life with a baby. How long does Josh get to stay home for? And how long is your maternity leave too?

    I’m what they call nosy! Lol.

  • Reply Helen March 10, 2019 at 7:19 pm

    My son is 18 months old and I find there is always something to be paranoid about. The first night home was the worst for me. Even though he was totally healthy I stayed up pretty much all night to make sure he kept breathing.

  • Reply Hotpotatokate March 10, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    Ahh, cluster feeding! Lazy feeding is tricky- glad you’re trying to nip it in the bud now! My paranoia took about 4 weeks to wear off- still worry about things, but I only check his breathing 3 times every hour 😉

    She’s soo cute, and sounds like you are doing great and really getting to know her well 🙂

    • Reply theSHUbox March 10, 2019 at 7:19 pm

      well, if i knew HOW to nip it in the bud i would 🙂

  • Reply Kristina March 10, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    Just read all of your recaps – pretty amazing! She is a total cutie and you look like you are doing great in so many ways!

  • Reply amyruthj March 10, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    She is so cute!! I’m glad things are going well for all of you. I can’t believe all 19 lbs are gone — insane! I thought that kind of thing was an urban legend. 🙂 I’m just hoping to not look 5 months pregnant 5 months postpartum. Ha!

    Oh — and yes, the miracle blanket seems to be aptly named!

  • Reply Nan March 10, 2019 at 7:43 pm

    You look so great and Annabel is so precious! Sounds you are doing awesome!

  • Reply runnerstrials March 10, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    I’m so glad to hear things are going well, Sarah! Wyatt’s biggest issue in the beginning was staying awake enough to feed. Baby sit-ups are what finally worked for us.

    Annabel is too cute! And I’m way jealous you already fit into your jeans. At nearly 5 months pp, I still can’t fit into my clothes- but am 3-4 lbs below my pre-preg weight. Pregnancy definitely makes things squishier!

    • Reply theSHUbox March 10, 2019 at 7:43 pm

      i fit into ONE pair of jeans 🙂 and that’s because they sit super low! don’t get the wrong idea, there is still plenty of work to do. but the weight part surprised me!! i didn’t expect it to come off so fast.

  • Reply Resica March 10, 2019 at 7:14 pm

    Pregnancy is the very precious thing for every woman. When she bringing the new life, in her body. It’s amazing feelings. Baby is a gift of God. After reading this post, I gain some knowledge and gathered some information’s. Thanks for the post.

  • Reply Jessie March 10, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    Ah yes, I remember those days of crazy cluster feeding. Sigh.

    I gained 25 pounds and lost 20 in the hospital. 😉 I remember trying on my jeans 5 days after my daughter was born & being shocked that they zipped!! Then I lost another 10 lbs from nursing just in the first couple months. Now I’m trying to eat enough to keep my jeans from falling off!! Sure hope any subsequent pregnancies go the same way.

    Keep those notes, they come in handy once you’re ready to start a stable routine.

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