date nights & weekend plans

March 28, 2015

The past 2 nights have been wonderful, thanks to our nanny.  She had both kids on Thursday night, allowing Josh and me to have a date night (I went to barre class and then we met out at a delicious restaurant, pubbelly).  Last night, I picked up just A for a mommy/daughter date night to Disney on Ice.

Both nights were wonderful.  A was up until 10:30 pm last night, so I’m hoping to sneak in a short run in a few moments.

Rest-of-the-weekend plans:


In a few minutes:  ~3mi run

When A gets up:  breakfast, then we will go pick up Cameron

AM Anchor activity:  Young At Art,  which is a super-cool art-themed interactive museum/play space for kids near Ft. Lauderdale (up where our nanny lives).  The only caveat is that I am going myself with both of them and I am slightly afraid.  I will just have to give Annabel a bit of independence because Cameron is going to want to explore every nook and cranny.  We will have lunch at the cafe there, I think.

Afternoon:  rest time/nap for C.  I’ll probably let A watch a show or part of a movie.

PM Anchor:  dinner with inlaws (MIL/FIL/BIL/SIL/niece/nephew) at our house.  Probably takeout.  I am looking forward to the day that A&C are old enough to allow me to prep a meal, but now is not that day.  Maybe in a year, though.


8-9:45: we have a babysitter coming (one of A’s teachers) so I can go to barre.

AM Anchor:  Swim class, followed by playground.  I am going to attempt to take them both myself.  It very well may be an utter failure (swim class is basically Annabel’s favorite tried-and-true tantrum venue.)

Afternoon:  rest time/nap for C.  Maybe a mix of screen time/puzzle/art time for A.  And after C wakes up, we may go back to our local playground.

PM Anchor:  our babysitter is coming back at ~7pm so that Josh and I can go out to dinner with Josh’s  former surgery colleagues from Duke.  This should be fun/interesting.

We’ll see how things actually go, but I am so looking forward to all this!  Which is amazing considering Josh is on call.  Honestly, I think one of the key factors in my happiness is enough childcare. Not enough to separate me from A&C (clearly this is a very kid-focused weekend and I will have lots of time with them) but enough so there is a little space and time for me-things.

Date night with A:

Stadium pizza (yes I had some too)

so excited
(and clutching her one chosen toy)
((this is where minimalism gets TOUGH!))


10 pm!


  • Reply Laura Vanderkam March 10, 2019 at 7:13 pm

    Hurrah for weekend anchor events! Some nuttiness here, but it looks like my weekend will include some fun solo stuff (I started and finished The Hours; went for an hour-long run) and some kid stuff. Congrats on the excellent deployment of babysitting 🙂

  • Reply Nan March 10, 2019 at 7:13 pm

    Sounds like a great weekend… Im super impressed by your planning of all this! Definitely a good mix of quality time with kids and much needed time for you too. Oh, and I love Pubbelly too… so good!

  • Reply Ana March 10, 2019 at 7:13 pm

    Sounds nice and busy! And a good mix of kid=free and kid time. So cool your nanny takes the kids overnight! That is really awesome 🙂
    Child care would be a MUST with you doing solo parenting 33% of all weekends. You seem to have it set up perfectly for this weekend.
    We did Disney on Ice (Frozen) on New Years Eve, a 3pm matinee. the kids had a good time. We found it…a bit painful.

  • Reply Spiritual Dating March 10, 2019 at 7:13 pm

    I love your post.I would include: Try spending date nights working together on a creative project together.My partner and I have been as one for a long time, and neither of us truly has any artistic talent,yet twice per month we write and record a podcast on a common interest.Very few individuals hear it out beside our friends,yet the procedure of getting the creative juices streaming and building something together helps keep our bond strong.Have a nice day.

    Amie Stark.

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