
New Week / Weekend

October 28, 2019

I spent most of my weekend tired.


  • Residency interviews Thursday & Friday! These went really well, but the stress just . . . took a lot out of me. I designed the schedule to contain 2 interviews every 2 weeks, so this is an off week, and I’m happy I did it that way!
  • Coming off of a call week/weekend. Working 11 days in a row takes a toll.
  • Running 7 miles on Saturday morning. 100% my own doing and choice, so I’m not complaining. But I think (sadly) that it made me tired for the rest of the weekend.
  • Hormones, etc. (One interesting/positive thing to report: almost every month, my skin breaks out in one or two places — and this month, it didn’t! I have dutifully following my skincare regimen and maybe it actually did something!?)

Honestly, it was not my favorite weekend, and that was mostly because my energy levels were terrible. I took a solid afternoon nap yesterday while G slept, and that helped. And we still did a lot. Multiple play dates, a gathering hosted @ our house, basketball games, piano, playground, more. Halloween decorations (very low-key ones) even happened.

a little blurry, but G’s glee comes through

I suspect the kids are tired too, because they spent a lot of time outside yesterday (including a late afternoon pool trip because it is definitely still pool weather here).

Onto a new week. One with no call, and Halloween! We are ready, having bought costumes (thx amazon) in early October. While it’s not typically our favorite holiday, I’m looking forward to experiencing it in our new neighborhood.

Some excellent recent posts:

1- How to make your current job your dream job by Choose FI. Agree with many of the writer’s sentiments! There is a BOBW episode along similar lines (episode #34, Career Crafting) for more on this topic.

2- Okay okay, this guide to paper planners from The Wirecutter (Josh’s favorite website) came out a YEAR ago! But I don’t think I ever saw it. I thought this part was funny though:

“Several Wirecutter staffers use Hobonichi planners and love them, and in our tests the Hobonichi Techo Original and the Hobonichi Techo Cousin fared quite well. We’re not featuring them as main picks because their availability is limited.”

It’s not that limited, Wirecutters! I will admit the shipping is $$$$ but since it sounds like many of the Wirecutter writers — people who are obsessed with the best of everything — are using them . . . doesn’t that say something?

3- The Simple Dollar’s How to Make Meal Prep More Efficient. Simple Dollar seems to be knocking it out of the park for me lately. And I don’t even cook 98% of the time. I liked these pointers on ways to make it easier, though, because someday (I’m guessing) I’ll cook again. (Though honestly . . . probably not for a number of years).


M – BB 21DF Extreme Plyo with 5 + 8 lb weights. Not as terrible as the first time I did it, but still pretty hard

T – 5 mi run, 9:44/mi

W – BB 21DF Extreme Upper with 8 + 12 lb weights. I think I prefer the ‘non-extreme’ upper workout but we will see if this one grows on me.


F – 4 mi with 2 at tempo (Splits: 1: 9:50mi; 2: 8:39/mi; 3: 8:55/mi; 4: 11:49/mi)

S – LONG RUN – 7 mi, 10:17/mi, took it very relaxed. Did not feel hard while doing it but made me super tired later! Weather was 78F but actually felt relatively cool b/c there was a breeze

S – was supposed to do yoga but too tired


M – salmon, probably rice, green beans

T – gnocchi, sauce, chicken sausage, broccoli

W – leftovers

R – some kind of pumpkin chili (need to find recipe)

F – leftovers

S / S – in NC with Annabel (so Josh will figure it out with G&C 🙂 ). We are going on a weekend trip for my sister’s baby shower – the first time I’ve travelled alone with A, and I’m excited about it! I hope it goes well.


  • Reply Sara B. October 28, 2019 at 7:55 am

    I like this pumpkin chili from skinnytaste! https://www.skinnytaste.com/crockpot-turkey-white-bean-pumpkin/

  • Reply Leah Burman October 28, 2019 at 8:02 am

    https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/pumpkin-black-bean-turkey-chili/205193 My go to Halloween chili recipe. My kids love it and look forward to it each Halloween. I sometimes substitute ground turkey if I don’t have turkey leftovers.

  • Reply Anu October 28, 2019 at 9:00 am

    Just a heads up that your two links in the first link bullet go to BOBW (instead of the first going to Choose FI). Great links as always!

  • Reply Ana October 28, 2019 at 9:25 am

    Longer runs really take it out of you! One of the reasons I stopped doing them. I’d be so a) hungry and b)tired all day. But I’m sure it’ll get easier as you keep working at it (like everything). I was also completely exhausted most of the weekend, I can’t rally like I used to, and need some downtime after a busy week.

  • Reply Omdg October 28, 2019 at 4:58 pm

    Even in my 20s and in good shape the longer workouts would cause me to need a solid 2h nap. Normal! I hope you have fun on your trip with Annabel to nc. Sounds like fun!

  • Reply Student October 28, 2019 at 8:47 pm

    I bought my Hobonichi (just planner, no accessories, because I don’t love the pen and don’t NEED a new cover each year on Amazon. They’re available, it just takes more than 3 seconds of searching!

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