
5 on a Friday

February 28, 2020

1- I am reading The Dutch House. It is a good distraction. Highly recommend! This is my 4th Ann Patchett that I can recall (State of Wonder, Bel Canto, Commonwealth were the first 3). While I have enjoyed all of her books — especially Bel Canto! — this one is really really addictive and compelling. Recommend so far!

Of this stack, I finished The Snow Child and had to return January First (a read for our residency book club) because it was overdue!!

2- I did not meet many of my February goals. Oops. At least there are a few weeks still left in the quintile. I am also determined to get a start on a couple of them this weekend. (Extra bonus day on Saturday does help!)

3- Bra update!! Remember this post? SO. I used the fancy bra calculator which told me I was some crazy size, and ordered that size. And it turned out to be super uncomfortable! So, no. Sorry, calculator.

Even though many of you had fantastic suggestions, I ended up taking the easy route and re-ordering some Natori bras since I already had some that were very comfortable (just . . . aging). I used the same size I had previously been assigned at a Nordstrom several years ago. And . . . win! I am now the owner of several super comfortable go-to bras that are flattering. This one in particular is incredibly comfortable and has a perfect amount of padding and lift (for me). So, there you go!

4- Some links!

5- Obviously, the news is really really REALLY unsettling right now. I need to stop looking at CNN in particular. Picturing alternate dystopian versions of the future isn’t doing anyone any favors. One day at a time = my new mantra.

Josh is on call this weekend, but I am looking forward to it more than usual because I have some strategic babysitting lined up. On the docket: takeout sushi (Annabel’s request, and more of a treat because we haven’t done takeout in forever!), a Sunday afternoon playdate, and a leap day wedding. OH, and a cold front! BRRR. Can’t wait to get a crisp cold (!) run in on Sunday AM!


  • Reply Aly February 28, 2020 at 7:43 am

    Holy cow, Jesse Coulter. I have a new top 10 favorite blog. Thank you for sharing, Sarah!!

  • Reply Kelly February 28, 2020 at 8:24 am

    Natori bras are my favorite too. My favorite is the Pure Luxe.
    In regards to yesterday’s post, I am a runner and 21DF devotee as well, but I’ve added in some 80DO workouts in the past couple months. I don’t love them as much as 21DF. They are long (60 min) and repetitive. An hour is just too long for me on weekdays, especially right now. (I’m a CPA, so tax season, plus I have two little kids). I recommend the “A Little Obsessed” series. It’s 5 30-min workouts in the 80DO style. I think you’d like them!

  • Reply Priyanka February 28, 2020 at 9:51 am

    I’m listening to The Dutch House right now and Tom Hanks narrating it is just an auditory delight!!!

  • Reply Elisabeth February 28, 2020 at 10:09 am

    Love the Simple Dollar post you linked to (and then I clicked through to some more great articles on the site). It is incredible what “little” savings techniques can add up over time. I also appreciate that the article highlights it’s important to spend money on what gives you – personally – the most bang for buck.

    My husband and I love food, but are content to eat at home most of the time, with modest ingredients and are not in to spending large sums of money on a fancy dinner out. BUT we love to travel. Dropping dough (as frugally as possible of course) to travel to Paris last year, eat in lovely cafes, go to all the destinations we wanted to…it cost a lot more than a few fancy dinners but was 100% money well spent for us. We’ve been doing this for years and have travelled to some incredible destinations. For others, though, the fancy dinners could be way more appealing AND a better use of money.

    Mmmm. Sushi is just the best. Annabel has good taste 😉

  • Reply Beth February 28, 2020 at 10:09 am

    Oh no!! Sorry the calculator didn’t work for you. For me it solved decades of bra problems. Just goes to show how much bodies can vary and glad you found some that work well.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger February 28, 2020 at 10:40 am

      In full disclosure -The calculator suggested I get some 28DD and 30D bras! I ordered some 30D and one did fit (though not super comdoetable) and the other felt like a vice :). Sticking w my 32C! Maybe I just like my bras loose 😂

      • Reply Gwinne February 28, 2020 at 11:48 am

        I recently had a bra fitting. Suggested 32b. Way too tight. Tried 32c. Nope. I still wear 34b most comfortably even if I measure smaller…

  • Reply Sarah K February 28, 2020 at 10:25 am

    Ugh… bras. I need new ones but I’m really small busted and it’s tough to find my size. I may have to cave in and try some of the brands that are constantly spamming me on IG!

  • Reply Brooke Kent February 28, 2020 at 11:04 am

    Re the article “How to talk to your spouse about money without fighting” — I created a “personal financial dashboard” that my spouse (who’s also my business partner) and I review quarterly. It’s been so helpful to have a quick, at-a-glance overview of the really important #s! It’s a Google spreadsheet that covers things like: 1) liquid assets (balance, net additions/withdrawals for the quarter, change from previous quarter); 2) retirement (current balance saved, countdown in years to our current FIRE number @ x% gain rates); 3) college savings (current balance saved, countdown in years til each kid enters college, future value of savings @ x% return, future value of cost @7.4% tuition inflation, ratio savings:cost); 4) mortgage countdown (principal balance, countdown til paid off); and 5) savings overview (% after tax/tithe income saved w/ and w/o employer match, save:spend ratio, etc.).

  • Reply LEE February 29, 2020 at 5:35 pm

    There’s quite a bit of controversy around that January First book – Munchausen by proxy allegations. I work in child protection and saw a handful of situations like that.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger March 1, 2020 at 7:13 am

      Oh interesting- the residents picked it. That may make it a painful read …

      • Reply Lee March 1, 2020 at 9:30 am

        I think the book itself is just a straightforward mental health parenting memoir. But the family has been on every TV show there is – Oprah, Dr Phil, Dateline or 20/20. I believe the kids have been removed by CPS. You could be the big hero of book club by researching the story behind the story! 😄

  • Reply DVStudent February 29, 2020 at 9:47 pm

    LOVE the Dutch House, although Bel Canto was transportative.

    Have you read Elif Batuman’s works? The Possessed is my favorite, but my friend said The Idiot was more palatable to start. Batuman is geeky and awkward and such a treat when she came to my town for an author event-her works are great light reads that still pack a lot of punch!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger March 1, 2020 at 7:12 am

      I have not but I will check her out!!!

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