COVID19 Weekend

Day 49: 7 Weeks In

May 3, 2020

Rituals & experiences I will always associate with this time:

  • Taking walks with Genevieve in the stroller while playing the Moana soundtrack. Usually, she will walk on her own for a bit and then ask for the stroller and some music. 90% of the time, she will choose Moana. I can’t say I hate it (yet). Josh is typically biking around the neighborhood with the big kids while we do this.
  • All of the nature in our neighborhood. Definitely never paid attention before. Sightings: lots of blue jays, white ibises, ducks, orchids, flowers of all colors and varieties (I am not an expert so I have few specifics!), mangoes & avocados up in trees, a pineapple plant growing fruit, and more.
Can you spot the butterfly?
  • Checking off daily programs — Headspace, Beachbody, and (soon) Organize365! What can I say — I have always been into daily rituals and projects (think: blogging streaks, distance running training programs, cookbook projects, etc). But right now I am especially into them. Probably because they provide automatic structure to every day. As a coping mechanism, I don’t think it’s a terrible one as long as I am not obsessive (ie, go crazy if I can’t check off a box or something). Thus far, I have managed to keep my plans fairly ambitious but my expectations reasonable 🙂
yes we are going to watch Groundhog Day with the kids tonight. I wonder if this movie has been extra popular as of late . . .
  • Facetime with my sister & baby niece. Even though I cannot be physically with them, I feel like I have been part of her life (and part of my sister’s life as she goes through this very unique and crazy time with a newborn).
  • Family takeout on Saturdays. Saturday used to be date night — now it’s family takeout night, and it is fun. Don’t get me wrong — I will be excited to go out on dates once this is all over. But I think we may adjust the frequency down to around monthly. It helps that the kids are getting older and will all (usually) happily watch a movie together in the evenings. (“Usually” b/c sometimes there are fights about what to watch and one person refuses, but generally it works out okay.)

WELL. It’s another day. Josh is off (yesterday he had to round in the hospital, so that will be nice. We will see if the above schedule is adhered to! We were thinking about forcing a one-day break from Minecraft for the big kids but now I’m questioning that . . .

hopscotch is back
size 2 & size 6 Asics! Annabel is catching up to me!
Also, she picked out these shoes (online) and I approve.


  • Reply chelseamcatmath May 3, 2020 at 8:07 am

    The Lego Movie 2 sound track will forever be linked in my mind with Covid-19. “I’m Queen WhateverIwannabe…the most least evil queen in history….” Actually I totally love that song.

  • Reply Maya May 3, 2020 at 8:46 am

    Wow, yes. Thanks for the reminder that we’re making memories despite the ‘groundhog-day’ nature of the everyday.

    And I meant to say this earlier this week–thanks so much for posting every day. Knowing you’ll share ideas and inspirations has made SHU Box a comforting part of my morning. <3

  • Reply Sara B. May 3, 2020 at 8:48 am

    We just had the Moana soundtrack on during a run yesterday. I actually kind of like it, except for the repetitiveness: 2 reprises and 2 radio versions all in 31 minutes. And I usually hear it all twice, which is my limit.

    I will remember the baby swans at the lake, #1 (5 yo) learning to ride her bike with no training wheels in 1 day, pushing #2 in the trike while she giggles about dragging her feet, picnics on the driveway, and the sprinkler in our backyard. At least the Florida weather has managed to be not terrible yet!

  • Reply gwinne May 3, 2020 at 10:10 am

    One of the things I’m struggling with (and perhaps this is because my youngest is the age of your oldest?) is that my children’s desired schedules and mine are not largely synced up, and there’s not much control I have over that. We’re going to need to reset.

  • Reply Laura May 3, 2020 at 5:37 pm

    You should download the Seek app! Point it at any plant and it will identify. Helpful for finding the poison ivy on our hike today (yup…)

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 3, 2020 at 6:13 pm

      Omg! I hope no one touched it first! Downloading now 🙂

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