COVID19 Fashion Weekend

Day 71: Back, and some pix

May 25, 2020

I survived 48 hours screen free! Actually it was . . . very easy. I did accidentally see one text (work-related) and responded to it which took about 30 seconds.

I did not check email, listen to podcasts, read blogs, or check Insta. I did not see my group texts.

I DID order dinner, listen to music on Spotify, participate in a group Zoom call (preplanned!), and FaceTimed my sister. I also used the timer app to do meditation each day sans Headspace (verdict: I prefer it with Headspace!).

I LOVE the things my phone can do from me, but it does also take away. I want to continue to remind myself that a break like this is available to me at any time. Well, any time other than when I am on call, which is not all that often.

AND the goal-focused part of me is very excited I get to check something off of my goals lists!!! Yay.

It has rained all weekend. I commented to Josh earlier today that I wished we had a grill to which he replied, “Why? We can grill inside” (as in, on a grill pan). And now that it is pouring I am actually rather relieved that we don’t have one. Our planned Memorial Day feast: turkey burgers, corn, grilled zucchini. Mmmm.

Okay, I’m going to make this a quick post because I only have a few minutes before G wakes up and I realllllly want to read more of A Gentleman In Moscow.

Weekend PIX:

tiniest braids!
when you’re desperate for outdoor time . . .
I love when my TBR stack is color-coordinated
she looks like she was caught doing something . . . not sure what
We made a relatively fancy anniversary – celebratory dinner (though real date is 5/27)
little teaser from my Real Life Style session!
(kept both of these though shoes were 1/2 size too big – exchanging)


  • Reply Lori C May 25, 2020 at 8:01 pm

    I can’t believe you are reading A Gentleman in Moscow! I read about 3/4 of it when my husband and I went to Ireland in Sept 2018 but then I put it down. That was almost 2 years ago. I literally dusted it off yesterday!!! So weird! Anyway I read a couple chapters today and it is a great fit for COVID in my opinion- he’s essentially home bound, and reflects often on how the world is changing and won’t ever be the same again. I plan to finish it within the week. Glad you enjoyed your screen free break, that must have been hard.

    • Reply CNM May 26, 2020 at 11:30 am

      Oh my, the last 1/4 is AMAZING. Such a good book!

  • Reply ehartung7 May 25, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    I love that outfit! You look great.

  • Reply Katie Forrest May 26, 2020 at 2:33 am

    I’m reading Rodham right now – it’s really good. Sittenfeld is one of my all-time favourite authors!

    The outfit looks great!

  • Reply Sarah K May 26, 2020 at 4:57 am

    That outfit is really cute! Love it. And wow on the 48 hours. That is impressive. I feel like I can’t even go 4 hours without checking my phone..

  • Reply Omdg May 26, 2020 at 7:20 am

    Love the outfit.

    I also just started a Curtis sittenfeld book recently. Man of My Dreams? It’s good! Hope you post on how you like her new book. I love her writing!

  • Reply gwinne May 26, 2020 at 9:02 am

    I just read Rodham over the weekend. I am quite ambivalent about it. Reading it felt like rubbernecking at a car crash.
    Will be interested in your take!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 26, 2020 at 10:49 am

      oh no . . . i’m kind of scared now! I loved American Wife . . .

      • Reply gwinne May 26, 2020 at 1:35 pm

        I’ve read that American Wife is better, FWIW. I think it’s worth reading. Just be prepared for some gratuitous sex and poor characterization choices, among other things. Second half of the book–where it seriously departs from actual history– is more interesting than the first.

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa's Yarns May 26, 2020 at 11:29 am

    I have heard good things about Rodham! I’m on the (long) wait list for it at the library but it seems like they haven’t received orders for new books because all the new releases say “on order.” I might need to spend money on books this summer for a change! I’m usually all about the library but their services are still really limited.

    I’m surprised you don’t have a grill since you can probably grill year round in Florida!! We can probably only grill for 6 months here, although there are people who do grill year-round despite the snow and cold.

    Love love love your outfit! Can’t wait to see what else you tried on!

  • Reply Anne May 26, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    Love the new outfit, can’t wait to see more. Also a fan of The Gentleman in Moscow!

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