COVID19 Planners Work

Day 163: Still Alive

August 25, 2020

A post ~8 hours later than usual!? WHO AM I?

Well, today I am a residency program director with a big ACGME reporting deadline šŸ™‚

I wouldn’t say I put this project off tooooooo much, but it is due this Friday and I was starting to get nervous. I looked at my (crowded) planner a week or so ago and declared AUGUST 25 to be PROJECT DAY. I decided I would avoid interruptions at all costs (no meetings, patients, etc) and would plan only to sit on my butt and get it done until it was complete.

You can probably surmise by my reappearance that . . .


Yay. (A few little details to check, but I could hit submit right now and would likely be fine.)

Honestly I should have done it 2 weeks ago, because I was starting to get stressed, and that stress was entirely related to time pressure. I guess I could say there was no free time to do it before, but really I just didn’t have the level of urgency required to just block off a day and do it.

(Next time I’ll TRYYYY though.)

ANYWAY, I have very little else to say other that I am going to celebrate my freedom by finishing up patient notes and attempting to get in a workout.

I DO have exciting news to report that the 2021 Hobonichi Store is now open for perusing! You can’t actually purchase anything until 9/1 (and certain things are being released on 9/2 or 9/3), but you can browse it all.

Annabel has her eye on this Cousin cover. I can’t decide whether to try to talk her out of it . . .

YES those bookmarks are tiny little COOKIES!

I have to admit I am excited about SEVERAL cousin covers! I think I will also go back to the AVEC (2-book edition) this year to leave room for a slightly thicker bullet-journal-style notebook than the one I had been previously using. You can also browse accessories . . . tons of fun.

one of many contenders. How sweet and pretty is that!?

To those of you who haven’t ordered from the site but are thinking about it – I promise it isn’t that hard to navigate! There IS a sizable shipping charge (last year $30-40ish) and you should use a credit card that does not charge foreign transaction fees.

Okay. I am going to go back to bask in the glow of product completion for a bit more and then back to reality! WHEW.


  • Reply Alyce August 25, 2020 at 9:55 pm

    I would totally support Annabelā€™s cover choice. I love it myself but know I canā€™t be get away with it because Iā€™m over 12. She should enjoy covers like that while she can!

    Unfortunately, the covers I like the most donā€™t come in the A5 size. I LOVE the A6 liberty print, lockwood, and I really like the A6 black gingham, and the A6 and weeks mina perhonen covers. With the extra shipping costs from Japan, I have to really love a cover to buy it from them directly. There are a couple I would consider if they show up at a US based retailer without the extra shipping costs (kadan, minano). But I still really love my cover from last year (the yellow Primavera), and I have the forest green leather cover that I really splurged on a few years back – you know, the one I insisted that if I ā€œinvestedā€ in it, I would never need to order another cover so it was really saving me money. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So maybe itā€™s okay if I donā€™t get a new cover for next year.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 26, 2020 at 5:43 am

      I don’t truly need a new one either. I do really like the green gingham, the mina perhonen cross-hatched looking one, and the floral one I showed. The Liberty is soooo pretty!

      I do kind of love having a collection of old covers that I loved. I have a mina perhonen from 2016 that I still adore. If I don’t buy one, I’ll go back to that one for 2021!

  • Reply Sarah R August 26, 2020 at 1:40 am

    Could you explain how the covers work? Do you keep y you our Hobonichi and your accessory notebook in there? And if you do, do they lie flat for you to write in them?

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 26, 2020 at 5:41 am

      Yes, they lie flat. (The accessory notebook has to be thin – not like a full bullet journal size but like a moleskin cahier notebook in thickness).

      • Reply Sarah R August 26, 2020 at 5:44 am

        Thank you! Thatā€™s really helpful.

  • Reply CBS August 26, 2020 at 4:43 am

    Ooh, you may have sold me on the Day Free. I like a monthly calendar and lots of room for bullet journal style tracking.

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa's Yarns August 26, 2020 at 8:59 am

    That cookie monster cover is ADORABLE. That would make me smile every day but I am definitely too old for it. Ha. But I wouldn’t push A to choose something else as that is just super fun!

    I would consider buying one of these planners but that shipping fee is just a major turnoff for me so I think I will stick with my basic bullet journal until I’m back to more intense planning (my planning is very very light right now in this stage of life since I have a toddler and baby on the way).

    Congrats on getting that big task accomplished. I’d be curious to hear if you are feeling better about working these days? I know you went through a phase earlier in the pandemic where you felt a lot of guilt about working with everything that was going on. With G and C going to school shortly, is that helping you feel better about your role as a working mom? I hope so as it’s really hard to battle those feelings day after day!

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