Call is . . . going (I have maintained a reasonably good attitude – helps that I have a lovely resident I am working with!).
The election counts are . . . moving forward. I am feeling cautiously optimistic.
We are on tropical storm watch over here. I am considering a very early grocery store trip. I am not excited about driving to the hospital in this weather but I have been ‘borrowing’ our SUV recently and do feel a bit safer in that (as compared to my Prius).
Aaaaand G was up at 5:20 this morning. I don’t understand – before the time change she was often sleeping until 7a. WHY is she now 100 minutes ahead even after bedtime has been adjusted!? I remember this happening with other kids and I honestly find it incredibly stressful (losing control of the one part of my day I had control over). #(*$$@&##. I may try to see if her school is willing to limit her nap to 1 hr.
But enough about all that! I thought perhaps I would publish our upcoming week’s menu. Hopefully we won’t lose power (rendering our groceries useless and taking away the power to our oven/stovetop). That would be quite 2020, wouldn’t it.
Tonight – Probably sushi takeout.
Sunday – Josh really wants to try the 4000-year old Babylonian lamb stew from this month’s Milk Street Mag. It has turnips. And the meat is cooked for ~4 hours. I am not convinced the kids will eat it, but I guess it’s worth a shot! Will make some grain for side plus maybe some roasted carrots.
Monday – Chicken and cauliflower tikka masala with rice (from Dinner Illustrated)
Tuesday – leftovers
Wednesday – tacos! (We typically make ours using ground turkey + those easy El Paso taco kits)
Thursday – leftovers/taco salads
Friday – vegetarian chili mac (raw veggies/hummus on the side)
So sorry to hear your are still having time change issues! Mine have also been waking up early but not that early! I like your idea of cutting off the nap. Our not that old fridge died about a month ago. Not having a refrigerator in the middle of a pandemic is about as fun and easy as you are imagining so I really hope you don’t lose power! Fingers crossed on election results today…
I recommend getting one of those “ok to wake” clocks for G. Dyl would never listen to me, but for some reason would obey the damn clock. Maybe you’ll have better luck with that? I feel you. I know how much you need your mornings.
we actually have one (it’s in A&C’s room). I haven’t attempted yet b/c somehow all of my children have rebelled against it instantly. Maybe G will be the one that actually follows it . . . worth a try (I’m almost afraid to try b/c then if it fails . . .)
We could not find a ready to wake clock that was not insanely bright. My daughter also woke up way early until we got rid of it. Our daycare would not limit naps at this age- hope yours is more reasonable
honestly, they probably won’t be. they will say “we are child centered”. that’s great in theory, but honestly I don’t think G’s body cares whether she sleeps extra overnight or during the day, and it makes an enormous difference to me. I know parents aren’t supposed to matter . . .
(I could always pull her out of full day and have our nanny pick her up. but would really rather not.)
Ugh that is a brutally early wake up. I have heard that the ok to wake and hatch lights have been helpful. Our son hasn’t been getting up earlier but he has been soooo crabby and over tired. I partially blame the time change.
Your meal plan sounds great. We are having turkey tacos, too! I’m so sick of meal planning right now as I’m on the GDM protocol and can barely eat any carbs. So it’s just not fun to think about what to eat when I can only handle 1.5 servings/meal which is really not much. I miss beans and lentils and am sick of protein – we typically aren’t huge meat eaters but there is no avoiding it right now… just under 4 weeks until I am done with this, though! I might have to get the milk street magazine. I have his instant pot cookbook and asked for Cookish for christmas.
Have you made that veg chili mac before? Curious how you (and the kids) like it. I’m intrigued but not convinced. I like chili, and I like mac and cheese, but together? 🤔
Haha, I have not. I thought the kids would like it though! i came across it while searching for her veggie chili and thought it might be popular 🙂
G is turning 3 in December right? Do it! I sent my daughter in with a coloring book that she can only use at school at naptime and it was great. She’s now 3.5 and does a workbook while the other kids rest, and she sleeps beautifully at night. Daylight savings is just junk, though.
I was talking to my coworker about the time change with young kids and her response was “what a cruel joke.” That made me laugh!
SO true!
For whatever reason, I thought we’d get lucky with the time change since our daughter goes to bed late and sleeps in late. Of course, god is laughing at my naïveté. The time change has been totally bonkers for her. She’s gone from going to bed at 9pm to getting tired at 6pm, then waking up at 1am well rested and ready to play for a couple of hours, before going back to bed until 8:30. We want her to sleep until she’s done and never ever wake her up – tiredness is a seizure trigger for her. But by the time we get her dressed, fed, medicated and off to daycare, we’re cutting into our workday. And on top of all that, the time change means her most seizure prone time of day is now happening at daycare rather than when she’s back home, which is stressful for us and for daycare. Basically, I have thoroughly learned my lesson and will never again underestimate time changes…