20 Left in 2020

December 12, 2020

It occurred to me this morning that there are 20 days remaining in 2020. This feels momentous enough for me to set some lofty goals:

1- Double down on phone use/#op100. I was so successful for approximately 60 days of this personal challenge, and then the past few weeks things have been . . . not great. I found myself sliding back into old habits. And — as always — those habits NEVER serve me! I honestly felt like I was in some sort of personal renaissance those first 60 days.

So I am hereby vowing to go back to my focused efforts and make the last 20 days like the first 60.

2- Read every day and spend some time creating a great reading list for Q1 of 2021. I already have some great titles as ideas! 2020 was a banner reading year for me, and I want to continue the momentum into 2021.

3- Go through my schedule for next year and choose: personal retreat days, Mommy Days, podcast recording days. And hopefully a couples overnight date in Q1. We need one!

4- Keep up with daily habits of meditation, listening to music, going outside, reading, and Duolingo. That sounds like a lot, but really isn’t. Meditation takes 10 minutes. Duolingo takes 5-10. I count “outside” as a win even if it’s just a 20 minute walk. However, these 5 core daily habits seem to really put a nice rhythm into my days.

5- Savor the time off with the kids. I find this season does not always bring out the best behavior (presents / stimulation / etc). BUT, I could also work on my own patience. I haven’t had much in the past few days!

Josh and I will have 5 days off together, and I will have 7 days off with just the kids. I want to enjoy that time and create some fun memories of the end of this wild year.

There were candles, but I didn’t capture them because Josh was stuck in the OR (sad) and I couldn’t film while monitoring closely enough!
AFTERMATH. I think she enjoyed her birthday!

1 Comment

  • Reply gwinne December 12, 2020 at 8:07 am

    She definitely enjoyed that cake!!

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