It occurred to me this morning that there are 20 days remaining in 2020. This feels momentous enough for me to set some lofty goals:
1- Double down on phone use/#op100. I was so successful for approximately 60 days of this personal challenge, and then the past few weeks things have been . . . not great. I found myself sliding back into old habits. And — as always — those habits NEVER serve me! I honestly felt like I was in some sort of personal renaissance those first 60 days.
So I am hereby vowing to go back to my focused efforts and make the last 20 days like the first 60.
2- Read every day and spend some time creating a great reading list for Q1 of 2021. I already have some great titles as ideas! 2020 was a banner reading year for me, and I want to continue the momentum into 2021.
3- Go through my schedule for next year and choose: personal retreat days, Mommy Days, podcast recording days. And hopefully a couples overnight date in Q1. We need one!
4- Keep up with daily habits of meditation, listening to music, going outside, reading, and Duolingo. That sounds like a lot, but really isn’t. Meditation takes 10 minutes. Duolingo takes 5-10. I count “outside” as a win even if it’s just a 20 minute walk. However, these 5 core daily habits seem to really put a nice rhythm into my days.
5- Savor the time off with the kids. I find this season does not always bring out the best behavior (presents / stimulation / etc). BUT, I could also work on my own patience. I haven’t had much in the past few days!
Josh and I will have 5 days off together, and I will have 7 days off with just the kids. I want to enjoy that time and create some fun memories of the end of this wild year.
1 Comment
She definitely enjoyed that cake!!