Goals life

2022 Goal Series: Social Life

January 5, 2022

First of all – thank you for the recommendations on yesterday’s post! So much great shopping inspo.

Second – omg, will this goal series last through the entire year? Hopefully not! We are coming to the end of my ‘big’ goals marked as priority in Todoist, so I promise it will end eventually.

I know, I know.

“But Omicron!”

“But the new French variant!”

I’m not talking about having a dinner party or book club now, though if I were to hold such an event outdoors, I would feel okay about it.

I guess I have hope that this spike will peak and we will settle back into the relative normalcy of mid-2021.

And I really really want to do these more social things! There are several families in our neighborhood that I really like (yes we are moving but . . . literally same neighborhood. We are only moving a mile!). And I really miss the book club I attended in Miami Beach (but not enough to drive to Miami Beach). Bonus = these families have kids our kids’ ages, and I think we are finally at a place where we could host and the kids could just play & it would be fun rather than stressful.

So – hoping to do both of these this year! I know there are some people who do not miss social events of the past. I am not one of them.

PS: Excited to listen to Gretchen + Elizabeth’s 22 for 22 today on my run!!!!! I feel like I’ve been waiting for this for weeks. Ha!


  • Reply Coree January 5, 2022 at 6:43 am

    We moved in December 2020 so I feel like we haven’t properly settled. Hopefully once kiddo starts school in August, and things return to some degree of normalcy, we can begin to feel more integrated. One thing I’ve found that helps is volunteering – I had a quiet Friday afternoon and went to help out at the zero waste shop, and then went and helped at the jumble sale. Now I see some of the folks I met there when I’m running errands in the village. We know our neighbours on each side quite well but haven’t really met the rest of the court. They are mostly retired, so I should make an effort to have a chat when they are working in their gardens, etc.

  • Reply Gillian January 5, 2022 at 7:17 am

    I am with you! I need social interaction and our household is fully vaccinated and boosted and low risk for severe disease. Once this wave passes we will be back out there!

  • Reply lawandcreative January 6, 2022 at 3:40 am

    Thanks for the heads up on Gretchen’s 22 for 22 – listening now!

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