life Reading Travel


April 8, 2023

Every single vacation should end with a 2 day buffer.

I am so so happy we decided to come home on Friday.

Having 2 days to reset mentally and logistically = priceless.

There are rare circumstances when this isn’t possible and there ARE ways to mitigate (especially if there is time to pre-prep before leaving) but oh man — it is so nice and just NOT STRESSFUL to arrive home on a Friday.

Q2 is now upon us!

About to spend the next ~60 minutes of gymnastics completing my goals list. Jan-Mar were overall very calm months. Apr-Jun are packed full of things, including:

work conf for Josh (Orlando)

work conf for me (San Diego)

career presentation in G’s class

Annabel’s “marketplace” day

G’s ballet performance

Mother’s Day (though Josh is on call that weekend and I will have to make the best of it!)

my bday 🙂

our anniversary (#17 omg)

a short (but hopefully fun + relaxing) couples trip (Vero Beach)

bridging ceremonies for A & C (both moving up to the next level in school next year – C from Lower to Upper Elementary and A from Upper Elementary to Middle School)

probably 50 other school things I don’t even know about yet

Whew. Keeping all of that in mind as I attempt to NOT overwhelm myself!

This was such a fun read:

Finished in the air yesterday!

beach read + historical fiction = this book


  • Reply Coree April 8, 2023 at 11:11 am

    I’m so glad you had a nice trip. We’re away this weekend and coming back tomorrow and all have Monday off which is really nice. And then T and I are off for the rest of the week for our respective spring breaks – a rare time when the school and uni calendars coincide. I’m looking forward to clearing the decks.

    We had a chiller day today, bought picnic lunch, went to a huge park, got ice cream along the river. We are now resting, T with an audiobook, me with my phone/book, grandma taking a nap. I feel bad about it because it’s beautiful weather but T walked 5 miles without complaint and now says his muscles have new muscles.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger April 8, 2023 at 11:14 am

      ooh – amazing calendar magic!!! that sounds like such a lovely day! and yes kids can walk a LOT more than we may think. G covered a lot of ground on this trip. Stroller days are over 🙂

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns April 8, 2023 at 12:10 pm

    We nearly always come back from vacations on Saturdays so we have Sunday to get back on track/do laundry/grocery shop. It is totally worth it for us!

    You guys have a busy stretch ahead of you! Glad you can finally attend a conference in person!!

  • Reply Amanda April 8, 2023 at 8:20 pm

    I loved reading about your trip. I live a few miles outside of DC & have kiddos similar ages to G & C, and appreciate you sharing your adventures while we were also traveling for spring break this week. How did you manage your early runs? Did you use street lights or gear in the dark? I haven’t been running as early since DST and you inspired me!

    We also came home on Friday & 100% agree with your sentiments.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger April 9, 2023 at 8:12 am

      It was 6:45 most days when I left so not dark. At home I run mostly in the dark and wear a light and feel very safe in our immediate community. (Other runners out, dog walking, etc).

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