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  • life Travel

    Catching Up!

    I took a little break from posting while we were traveling — not entirely sure why! I had the time . . . but perhaps I didn’t have the energy. Here is an incomplete…

    July 9, 2024
  • life Reading Travel


    FEELING: Excited to head up to Michigan!! And fine, kind of anxious about the race itself. I know the upcoming race is just for fun (I mean – I’m not going to win, lol),…

    May 22, 2024
  • Travel

    Montana 2024: Part 2

    Hi from DFW again! This time we are on a long layover waiting to fly back to West Palm. We had such a fun time on our trip!! Since it was the second time,…

    March 30, 2024
  • Travel

    Vacation Dispatch: Hi from Montana!

    3.24 – 3.26 in Big Sky Flying here was pretty easy and our drive from the airport to Big Sky was much easier than last time — when we arrived in December of 2022…

    March 27, 2024
  • life Travel

    Status Report

    I am so ready for a vacation. (It really hasn’t been that long since our last vacation; we traveled in December. Amelia Island and Philadelphia; it was great! And less than 3 months ago!…

    March 20, 2024
  • life Reading Travel

    5 Things: A Lot of Forward Motion

    1- I am officially returning the Peloton Bike. It was fun to try and served a great purpose while I was recovering from injury, but I will always choose running over biking when I…

    February 15, 2024
  • life Travel

    5 on a Friday: Amelia Island Edition

    1- I am intrigued by this book! I’m only half through, but I am already ready to level up my Apple Notes organization. (It’s not bad, but now I see that it could be…

    December 29, 2023
  • life Travel

    PHL Photodump + Weekly Workouts

    This is our 3rd day in PHL – we fly home tomorrow, early. It has been a totally chillllllll time which is what I wanted. Lots of just hanging with family, watching movies, etc.…

    December 24, 2023
  • Fitness Travel

    Denver + Workouts

    On the way home The weekend was lovely – we honestly didn’t do all that much other than eat delicious food (The Kitchen + Voghera were highlights), walk around, and reconnect/hang out. I was…

    November 12, 2023