
Thought Salad

October 11, 2023

On world events:

Listening to these women this morning brought me comfort, not because their discourse is able to fix anything, but because they are compassionate and rational and I really appreciated their words and emotions:

If you are looking for a source to help you process and understand what is going on, I recommend the episode above; you can also find it here.

On life at home:

I feel like sometimes C flies under the radar (middle child alert) so in the midst of all this I wanted to note that we were proud/excited that he was named player of the month (they choose one per team) in his soccer league. He really does bring a lot of energy and tries hard at each game and practice so this was awesome. When I showed it to him he was so surprised and happy.


Uncertainty and the little things

I feel like we are ushering in a new era of more acute uncertainty. I mean I hope not, but it feels that way. Just like with COVID, I find myself just trying to focus on the little things. Each run. Each positive human interaction. The book I am reading. Cozy(ish. . .) weather (okay fine not really that cozy here but one can dream). Journaling with supplies that make it fun. Kid snuggles.

It’s the way I might imagine living if I knew I only had a finite amount of time left, but in truth we all do anyway. I refuse to be grateful for the devastation that that has befallen so many, but there is some gaining of perspective to be found. I very much am thinking about anyone impacted (even secondarily) by the attacks and conflict and hope things improve soon.


  • Reply jennystancampiano October 11, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    Oh, I love this. Focusing on the little things is really all we can do. Our time IS finite, so why waste it worrying and complaining. I know- easier said than done. But at least we’re trying!

  • Reply Elisabeth October 11, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    “Acute uncertainty”. Yes, yes, yes. This sums things up so well. I can’t change the way things are going in the world, but I can appreciate all the wonderful things in my own life…while they last. I feel like freedoms and opportunities we’ve taken for granted all our life will not necessarily be there in 5 years. It seems like major things – either geopolitical or meteorological – can dramatically change landscapes in MINUTES these days which is scary but also an impetus to enjoy the here and now as we’re able.

    Congrats to C!!!!

  • Reply San October 11, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    Oof, yes. This week’s news is heavy and I wish people would focus on compassion and humanity instead of taking sides and playing the blame game. It’s really hard to despair, so yeah, focusing on the little things, one day at a time seems to be the way to live right now.

    Congrats to C – it’s awesome to be recognized!

  • Reply coco October 11, 2023 at 5:51 pm

    love they way you put it. while we can’t control how the world is getting more extreme, we can control our own little life, enjoy even more the little things we have in life, more precious than ever. how do you communicate these events with your kids? I’d be curious to hear. it’s hard to make sense of things.

  • Reply Brooke October 12, 2023 at 7:54 pm

    Congrats to Cameron! Coincidentally, my son plays on a 2014 White club soccer team as well (approx. 3,000 miles away from you 😉 ).

  • Reply Happy Things Friday: 13 October – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist October 12, 2023 at 11:10 pm

    […] Things, it doesn’t mean I’m unaware of all the Sad/Bad/Hard Things. Earlier this week Sarah wrote about living in an era of “acute uncertainty” – wars, earthquakes, climate […]

  • Reply Daria October 15, 2023 at 6:48 am

    Thank you for this post. I, too, have placed myself into a bubble and been more aware of the little things because, sadly, you just never know.

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