

January 30, 2024

I am not a “throw piles of things on the floor” kind of person, usually. However, I wasn’t kidding about January being an incredibly packed month. I’m not sad about fitting so many things in, but this finally had to happen:



I mean is it the most spare aesthetic thing ever? No. But now I have all the things I need near me, a few things that are just fun (not needed, but nice ie stickers!), and I do not have piles taunting me and saying things like “I bet I have an overdue bill buried in me, hahahahah.”

(I did find two overdue bills, one for lawn service and one for an kid eye appointment, and paid both upon unearthing them. But both were due less than a week ago so I don’t think anything terrible will happen. Still very good I excavated the piles.)

It took about 2 hours. I filed a few paper documents, shredded many more, recycled non-sensitive stuff and got rid of my 2023 Hobonichi (I don’t keep most of my old planners!). Honestly, I feel really good now. I have more to accomplish today but my ‘office’ area had been weighing on me for a while and it’s nice to have it functional again.

Other news:

A is having a good time on her field trip – she went canoeing in 40-something degree weather!! These Floridian kids are getting some atypical cold exposure (they are in the middle of the state where it is cooler, plus we’re having a cold snap here anyway)

C leaves for his tomorrow!

I had an awesome workout this morning (4 x 2 mi @ just under half marathon pace) thanks to said weather!

My boots arrived and i’m into them! Still need my wide leg jeans back from hemming to see if they actually work with them, though. (Will share pic eventually.)


  • Reply Leah A January 30, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    There must be something in the air with the closing of January. I did the exact same activity this morning! I wish I had taken a “before.” I know it’s bad when the house cleaners come, and they don’t even touch my desk area. oops!

  • Reply Lori C January 30, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    The fact that you throw away your old planners gives me palpitations! Although it’s weird, I have no problem throwing away semi-sentimental stuff like old greeting cards or kids artwork… something about the planners feels special because it has notes from my life on a day to day basis I guess.

    Your desk area looks way better! I have been putting it off, and putting off general decluttering, but starting with just 2 hours in a hot spot is a good idea. It is so easy for bills, to do notes, coupons, etc. to pile up, and then the stuff I want to keep front and center becomes buried. Are those books to read on your right? Or ones you already read? Kudos you must feel great looking at the refreshed space!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 30, 2024 at 3:02 pm

      I just don’t want a million old planners around when I die someday! Anything I need to see I can find on the blog or our photos or in my 5 year journal if it was that big of a highlight. I actually enjoy the fleeting/transient nature of daily planners! I love them so much while I use them but when it’s a new year I don’t have trouble separating. Not sure why!

      • Reply Lori C January 30, 2024 at 3:32 pm

        Too funny! Good point about your blog though, you have things very well documented for posterity 🙂

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 30, 2024 at 3:51 pm

      on the right books to read! (some I bought and some library holds!)

  • Reply shalini January 30, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    Sarah, can i know which is the long tote bag you have in the picture :)? I am looking for a new work bag and somehow that caught my eye ! Btw thats good work looks clean and organized now

  • Reply Elisabeth January 30, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    I am here for ALL THE ORGANIZING POSTS. I also throw away my paper planners, calendars, and old notebooks when I’m done with them. My father-in-law keeps an incredible and very detailed diary of day-to-day activities and has BOXES of them. But for what end? He never goes back to read them all and when he passes away they will 100% be going into a dumpster. It’s incredible to have such a record of what he did what day (not really emotional stuff, just his daytimers – so there isn’t deeply sentimental stuff in there).

  • Reply V January 31, 2024 at 10:54 am

    Yes, love organizing/decluttering posts, especially with the before and after pics. Great job!

  • Reply LDMN January 31, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    What is the black bag by your desk? (brand? model?) It’s looks like a great size.

  • Reply jennystancampiano January 31, 2024 at 2:13 pm

    …piles taunting me and saying things like “I bet I have an overdue bill buried in me, hahahahah.” That’s probably the best description of why clutter causes anxiety! Nice job getting it taken care of.

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