
The End of A Week

February 2, 2024

I am exhausted. Big kids come home today (in about 45 minutes! I’m at my office waiting to leave to pick them up). One might have thought this week would be easy street, but nope. It was emotionally trying and physically I was up later than usual almost every night because that’s when they were allowed to call home! I would fall asleep reading Wellness (not because it’s boring, just because I’m tired) and then chat deliriously with a kid at 10 pm (Josh would answer but I told him to wake me and bring the phone).

Anyway. I am just tired. Hoping to reconnect with A + C tonight AND go to bed early. (Like, before 9 pm early, if possible). My fervent wish is that they will want to sleep too . . .

In other news, I’m craving pizza. And thin mints.

More tomorrow.

1 Comment

  • Reply Coco February 2, 2024 at 11:14 pm

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling the best. Late night sleep can definitely do that to me. I didn’t sleep great last night, maybe because I had a coffee yesterday, and today I’m not as patience and energetic as I wanted to be for the family. Oh well. Tomorrow will be better, the ball can only rebound up.

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