
Progress + Things

October 3, 2024

Babysitting Quandary: TY!!!

SOOOO many helpful comments here. It’s so weird- you have little kids, and you get used to always needing childcare, and honestly I hadn’t ever really thought about when and exactly how that would cease to be a thing in my life. We are definitely not 100% there (not ready to head out for a late night far away) but I can see how things could evolve relatively quickly. Not going to lie, it sounds lovely, from both a financial and logistics perspective.

(Talking more specifically about date night babysitting here vs. everyday kid management, but all things do change eventually, and sometimes the changes kind of sneak up on you. This is just one of those reminder moments!)

Writing Progress Notes:

I just met one of my writing subgoals. WORDS are being written. A lot of words! During a time that has not been, in any way, shape, or form, protected or structured in an ideal way around writing.

I am proud of this and I am also feeling like: “huh, why couldn’t I do this before?”.

Big projects are scary and daunting and yet consistent small efforts really do eventually add up and make a difference.

(Now, I recognize that all 23,746 of those words might get chopped to bits and left on the cutting room floor, but I’m still glad I have them to start with.)

((NOOOO this is not an entire book’s worth of words, that would be more like 60,000. But getting there!))

Family Holiday

. . .was lovely and I even got a pic of all 5 but it has not been approved by all parties so I’ll leave you with this pic of Josh and me from the keys. (Appropriate, since I wore the same dress to both, haha. Only overlapping attendees were us . . .)

Taken by A, our official photographer

We had a good time. NOTHING we went though in Aug/Sept was life threatening but it was so life interfering that I am appreciating regular normal life events more. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy during a luteal phase. Ha!

PS: Came back from A’s well child tween check which took all of 5 minutes PLUS 55 minutes of waiting (sigh. I never do this to my patients, but I know in some practices it’s just how they operate). We learned she is 4’11.5″, or just 1.5″ less than me (she thought/hoped she was 5′ but I could tell the gap between us was too big for that to be true. Next time though!).


  • Reply Kim October 3, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    We started leaving our 2 boys at home when the oldest was about 12. It started in small blocks of time – 20 minutes to run an errand and then worked up from there. Once we were all comfortable that things were going well we increased the time away slowly. Eventually we could go out for an evening:-). It helped that we knew our neighbours very well so there was someone close by if needed
    Good luck!

  • Reply Lisa's Yarns October 3, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    Oh no! 55 minutes of waiting! That is BAD. I try to get the first appts of the day when the boys have doctor appts because then I don’t have to worry about a long wait typically. This is especially important for my squirrelly toddler. I used to see a rheumatologist who was chronically behind, often by 30-60+ minutes. It stressed me out and bothered me so much that I changed doctors. I often get my doctor’s last appt of the day so she can be running behind at that point, but I kind of plan on it and have a book along to read. And it’s only me that is impacted by it!

    That’s a great pic of you and Josh. Nice work, A. I have so few pics with my husband or kids since I’m the one taking pictures. But when Paul is old enough to take a decent picture, maybe I’ll have more pictures of myself in photos! That is why I have tried to get professional photos taken in the past but our last experience was so terrible that I haven’t been able to make a case to go through that again… maybe next year is the year we’ll get them done again!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 3, 2024 at 4:34 pm

      the sad part is I thought we DID have the first appt! But I think they triple booked it . . .

      • Reply Lisa’s Yarns October 3, 2024 at 7:15 pm

        Whoa – triple booking? That sounds terrible for everyone – patients and providers!

  • Reply Kristin W October 3, 2024 at 3:18 pm

    Those milestones sneak up! We were in a car accident when my oldest was 8 and had to replace the car seats and I was just going to order the same one and happened to check the weight limit almost as an afterthought and realized he was only a few pounds from the max weight! We had bought it when he was one and it was supposed to last forever and I couldn’t imagine how he would ever be that big and “suddenly” he had outgrown it! I also feel this way about our microwave, will never be able to reach it and suddenly they are warming up their own nachos.

  • Reply Em October 3, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    Could you write a post at some point about how to approach/accomplish a big writing project as you are? I realize you’re not done yet but progress (especially during a stressful time) is something to be proud of! Perhaps in the future you could write a post or series in general about planning and writing a nonfiction book, but even something briefer about how you’re approaching this part would be great.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 3, 2024 at 5:55 pm

      Definitely! I want to wait a tiny bit until certain things are done but I love the idea.

      • Reply Em October 4, 2024 at 5:23 pm

        Looking forward to it!

  • Reply Elisabeth October 4, 2024 at 5:36 am

    That word count is awesome! Go Sarah!
    And love that picture of you and Josh. A is a talented photographer.

  • Reply Sarah October 4, 2024 at 7:09 am

    As someone who is baaaarely 5 feet, I had a little chuckle at kids aspiring to be your height. When that happens here it makes me laugh, too. Like, dream bigger, kids!

  • Reply jennystancampiano October 4, 2024 at 9:21 am

    Congratulations! Yes, a lot of those words could be edited. But you have to start somewhere, and getting those words down is important.
    That is such a cute photo of you and Josh! Glad you had a nice vacation and glad things are getting back to normal- phew.

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