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  • COVID19 Habits life

    Day 156 // Habit Series: Eating

    Well, it makes sense to divide this post into meals, doesn’t it! Breakfast For years (until mid-30s perhaps?) I ate breakfast upon waking up even at a ridiculously early hour. But for the past…

    August 18, 2020
  • COVID19 Habits

    Day 144 // Habit Series: SLEEP

    First, I am happy to report that yesterday went as well as one can expect! Annabel held down the fort all morning, and G slept through the afternoon while the iPad babysitter kept A&C…

    August 6, 2020
  • COVID19 Habits

    Day 142 // Habit Series: Walking

    In my old life, getting 10K steps/day was not hard. First of all, if I went for a run — well, there went ~6-10K, depending on the length! Second, life contained myriad opportunities to…

    August 4, 2020
  • COVID19 Habits

    Day 137 // Habit Series: Meditation

    I have been doing 10 minutes of daily meditation fairly consistently since this pandemic began. Someone told me about Headspace being free to healthcare workers until the end of 2020, so I signed up…

    July 30, 2020
  • COVID19 Habits Reading

    Day 136 // Habit Series: Reading

    Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful (and often very insightful) comments yesterday. I honestly thought about taking a few days off, but this posting ritual is (usually) such a life-giving part…

    July 29, 2020