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  • Planners

    Spending My Allowance . . .

    WOAH! Thank you for all of your recommendations yesterday! The comments section was so much fun to follow up on, and I enjoyed spending a chunk of my ‘extras’ fund at Sephora this morning.…

    September 19, 2019
  • Travel Weekend

    Weekend OFF: Report

    I regret not taking more pictures, but truthfully it was the kind of trip where the scenery didn’t really matter. Even though Toronto is lovely! The themes for the weekend were: connection, relaxation, indulgence,…

    August 12, 2019
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday

    1-    I turn 39 on Monday. Um, yay? My SIL sent me the best gift: Totally unnecessary but man, what a fun surprise in the mail yesterday! 2- My parents are visiting! I’ve…

    May 17, 2019