
Weekend // Week Report

November 18, 2019

Another full weekend. This time thankfully I was not on my own, though we did a fair amount of ‘dividing & conquering’.


1- Trip to Flamingo Gardens (I took kids solo while Josh worked)

gorgeous weather

2- Lunch out @ local diner

3- 18 patient charts completed at local Starbucks (my shift of work time!)

4- A ball. (Benefit for the hospital where I work, so essentially a work event — of which there seem to be about 348723 in the next 2 months)

I tried to Rent the Runway but it was a fail, so I wore this dress from 2016 instead.


1- Long run (7.5 mi) from 6:45 AM – 8 AM in gorgeous cool weather (high 50s!!! This is our winter!)

2- MyGym with G — I hadn’t gone in forever. She was sooooo excited.

3- Piano & Panera with all 3 (Josh had some time to work / play guitar)

4- Made dinner – Fed and Fit recipe (cheesy chicken rice and broccoli casserole) + roasted carrots. Josh and I thought it was great. The kids were not big fans but said they would attempt it again tonight if smothered in ketchup (ew, but ok).

5- Completed 5 more charts. And now I am caught up! Whew, but ugh.

6- Cleaned up house & prepped lunches. Our nanny was out Weds – Fri of last week with what sounded a lot like flu. It was a struggle.

BUT! One side benefit of her absence is that we realized that taking all 3 kids in the morning is not all that difficult. And therefore after many years of G (nanny) helping us get out the door in the morning, I am shifting her hours later (and slightly reducing the #, but will keep $ the same). Now I will have more bandwidth in the evenings to help A&C with homework and piano. I am excited to see how this helps the flow of our evenings.

I am working hard (and taking proactive steps) to work on my mood issues. More on that in a future post (I think).


M – 21DF Total Body Cardio, 10 + 12 lb weights

T – Stroller run b/c G up at 5:30 AM for no reason

W – 21 DF Upper Fix, 8 and 12 lb weights, pushups: 29 total full pushups, 14 total on knees

R – 3.7 mi intervals (pouring rain for 2nd half of this). 1 mi warmup, 45sec x 6 at interval pace (5K pace approx), 1 min rest between each. 1 mi cool down. Total pace 10:19/mi.


S – 21DF Pilates

S – long run (7.5 mi) shown above in great weather ave 9:28/mi


M – leftovers of this Fed and Fit meal, salad

T – shrimp / black bean / rice burrito bowl

W – leftovers of M & T (whatever is left)

R – pasta with meat sauce, green beans

F – leftovers

S – family dinner out

S – I will cook something (maybe another F&F recipe!)


  • Reply Laura November 18, 2019 at 8:26 am

    Big fan of shifting hours later as kids get older and need more evening management! This should make your nights more calm.

  • Reply Emily November 18, 2019 at 9:42 am

    Flamingo Gardens sounds like a nice outing — and glad the weather is finally better! That dress looks great on you so happy it got more use. It sounds like you had a full but balanced weekend. 🙂 Would appreciate you writing more about what steps you’re taking and outcomes of mood stuff if you’re willing to share — think you would probably find many readers can relate and would appreciate. Have a nice Monday!

  • Reply Alyssa November 18, 2019 at 10:44 am

    I spent sooooo much time charting this weekend. Going to try to make a conscious effort to do as much as I can in the moment/at work this week to avoid a repeat next weekend. Nice job on cramming a lot in there this weekend!

  • Reply Gillian November 18, 2019 at 10:56 am

    Avoiding charting as we speak, but so very glad I am not the only one whose kids try to improve almost all foods with ketchup.

  • Reply Jessica November 18, 2019 at 4:17 pm

    Shifting hours is great as long as you can have her “on call” for sick days when not all 3 kids go to school! That was our big lesson, even with 4 in school, we still needed full time coverage. In the winter we inevitable had at least 1 day/week with 1 kid home…

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 18, 2019 at 5:02 pm

      We are very lucky that she is flexible and this won’t be too much of an issue. But yes!

  • Reply Lori C November 18, 2019 at 6:07 pm

    Sounds like a full fun weekend! Are you using a recipe for your shrimp black bean bowls? I bought (frozen cooked) shrimp and I’d like to integrate it more into my meals, but have never made it at home before!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 18, 2019 at 7:36 pm

      Nope – total improv 🙂 more of a “mix a bunch of things together and hope it’s good” plan!

  • Reply omdg November 19, 2019 at 9:32 am

    Mornings at chez OMDG have also gotten way easier (when in-laws not around “helping”) as Dyl has gotten older, but nights? Argh.

    I love that dress BTW. And your arms look fantastic. Where did you get your clutch? I keep trying to find one, but have only been able to find ones that are a) ugly, b) too small, c) too big, or d) really gd expensive.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger November 19, 2019 at 10:32 am

      Thank you! And yes I am excited for the mornings va nights exchange! Last night was great. The bag is some generic Nordstrom brand from years ago so I am no help there!!

  • Reply Sarah K November 20, 2019 at 7:26 am

    I definitely want to hear how you’re working on your mood struggles. It’s a problem for me. too.

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