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  • Fitness Reading

    Workouts + Reading

    Higher Mileage Week It was hot this week. Well — truthfully there is not much variation here in weather over the summer. I guess that’s SORT of a good thing – we’re unlikely to…

    July 21, 2024
  • Fitness Goals life

    Workouts / Reading / Screen Time

    Workouts M: Bittersweet group run because one of the members is moving to BRAZIL! We will miss her!! 8.18 mi @ 9:58/mi ave (included a run/walk portion). T: 2 mi warmup, 12 x (1…

    June 23, 2024
  • Fitness Reading

    Workouts + Reading

    Running + Strength I’m not sure when 47 miles started to feel like a lower mileage week, but it kind of did. This level of running felt very manageable — I guess because most…

    June 16, 2024
  • Fitness Reading

    Weekly Workouts + Reading

    Higher Mileage Week This week I hit 59 miles, in part because I moved Monday’s run to Sunday (dropping A at school at 6 AM for her field trip Monday = no run time!…

    January 28, 2024
  • Fitness The Podcast

    Sunday Workout Report

    Also: I fit a mini-podcast retreat in there! We weren’t sure if it was going to happen (TS/Hurricane Nicole) but Laura made it down and we got to spend ~48 hours in the Keys…

    November 13, 2022
  • Fitness Weekend

    Sunday Workout Report Etc

    Workouts M: 4 mi easy (10:17/mi, 74F 92%) + 20 min upper body strength training T: 6.5 mi interval run: 2 mi warmup @ 11:20/mi, 1 mi @ 7:57/mi, 3 min recovery, 0.5 mi…

    November 6, 2022
  • Fitness Travel Weekend

    SEA –> FLL

    About to head home! We had a fun trip that felt like a total time warp whirlwind, and I’m glad we came. This trip was not really tourism-focused but it was fun to explore…

    October 30, 2022
  • life Parenting

    Activities Past & Present

    Interesting discussion re: activities! I definitely think my kids are still in those exploratory years where they are trying things. And while there are absolutely 8 and 10 year olds out there who are…

    July 27, 2022