COVID19 life

Blah, February

February 23, 2021

And I am definitely not referring to the weather, not here! Just feeling kind of unsettled this week. Restless. Icky. And I’m not even sure why. I think I need a posting break! Well, and a break in general.

Sometimes I need a reminder that a lot of the expectations I place on myself are just that . . . self-imposed.

See you in March.


G’s eyes are closed but I still love this pic. They chose the twinning outfits!


  • Reply KatherineB February 23, 2021 at 9:47 am

    The end of the month again Sarah? Definitely a pattern there! Wishing you good vibes for the start of March and some feeling of a break/new start. Here in England it is almost Spring, which will be great, and we have been given our tentative route out of lockdown back to normality, maybe by 21st June, starting with all schools returning in person on 8th March. Fingers crossed they have got the balance right this time.

  • Reply Elisabeth February 23, 2021 at 10:08 am

    Ditto – I came on this morning to read your post to temporarily escape my own February blahs; while I’m sad to see you go for a few weeks…it is nice to know I’m not the only one feeling restless and icky.

    Even little things – a meeting with a contractor about home renos that aren’t going to pan out this year as we had planned due to his schedule OR we have to find a new contractor, my daughter’s dentist appointment this evening (I know she needs dental work and she has had some tough experiences in the past, so I just dread this and knowing all the orthodonture we have in our near future) – feel so monumental. I’m also just feeling tired and draggy, finding it hard not to emotionally eat etc. Sigh.

    I live in Eastern Canada and we’ve had a lot of snow/cold weather. Today they cancelled schools and the roads are 100% clear. It was so frustrating and demoralizing. I’m trying to make the best of it, but even with the sun shining I’m just so ready for February to be over. Spring arrives, at least on paper, in March, and that feels like the next thing to look forward to?!

    Onward and upward. Hope February surprises you with a pleasant finish.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger February 23, 2021 at 10:16 am

      Just a few days though I may consider a month off at some point!

  • Reply Omdg February 23, 2021 at 11:30 am

    Lots of people are feeling blah right now so at least you’re in good company. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Reply Lori C February 23, 2021 at 1:08 pm

    Enjoy the break!! I thoroughly appreciate your posts but a break is good once in a while.

    Random thought/suggestion- can you make a post about blogs? My Feedly is a bit empty these days! You recently mentioned a fashion blog you follow (I forget the name) and I’d like to know if there are other blogs you enjoy. Plus I discovered at least one of your followers has a blog- I am sure others do too- I’d love to check them out!

  • Reply Erica Sparky February 23, 2021 at 1:12 pm

    We call it the February Funk at our house! I talked about it with my son’s therapist because he was having a rough few weeks and she said it’s totally normal this time of year – winter is still here, days are still short, there is nothing to look forward to after the holiday high. I also just read that Mercury was in retrograde from Jan 30 – Feb 20 so we should al be moving on from that ;-). Enjoy the time off!

  • Reply Lani Inlander February 23, 2021 at 1:59 pm

    I understand the pressure to keep posting. My husband is always trying to tell me it isn’t real, it is what I impose on myself. Thank you for the reminder!

  • Reply Sarah K February 23, 2021 at 3:32 pm

    I am just stopping by to say that I get this. Also, I don’t like spring, but everyone else does and it makes me feel like a grinch.

    • Reply Grateful Kae February 23, 2021 at 3:40 pm

      Same here. By far my least favorite season. I think maybe it depends where you live? Where I am, spring is still cold, it’s usually windy, it’s wet, mucky/muddy as the snow melts and gets all yucky and dirty and the majority of the season is just generally unpleasant in my opinion. But it’s usually sunny more often, so it LOOKS nice out the window and you get excited….but then it’s just NOT actually nice out. Hahaha. Fellow spring grinch. 😉

      • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger February 23, 2021 at 3:47 pm

        It is gorgeous here. I have no weather related excuse except maybe the dread that our beautiful winter is ending and heat/storm season will settle in soon for next 7+ months. Hmmmmm…

      • Reply Hanna February 24, 2021 at 10:44 am

        I agree. I call spring our mud/standing water season and it’s my least favorite. I can bundle up and hike or ski on snow. I can’t do anything with mud and standing water.

  • Reply rose February 23, 2021 at 4:33 pm

    DO what takes care of you. Thank you for a whole year of taking care of and supporting us virtually every day. You made a terrific positive improvement in my days and REALLY helped through some rough times.

  • Reply Lily February 23, 2021 at 10:14 pm

    Where I live in australia has just had the first taste of autumn coolness and I have a serious case of the Feb blahs too! So while I’m sure it is partly weather related I think it’s also…Feb. all the wheels fell off this week. I think mid Feb is the point of the year where all the shiny fresh start and holiday rest wears off and we fall of the wagon and slip into bad habits and…dust ourselves off and try again. I’ve been calling it WTFeb. Here’s to a March reset so we can march on

  • Reply Elizabeth February 24, 2021 at 12:15 am

    Three cheers for you for recognizing what’s going on and taking action (giving yourself a break!) rather than Upholder tightening.

    This time of year is hard for many of us, but also: we are approaching the ONE YEAR MARKER of life changing as we knew it. Here, in the Seattle area, the last day the kids had school and the last day my husband went to work was Wednesday, March 11th. It is mind blowing to me that we have lived almost an entire year as we have. My April 2020 self would never have believed it possible. So perhaps that upcoming anniversary is coloring things for you, too.

    I hope that taking some time rest and release yourself from blogging (and hopefully some other obligations, too) enables you to begin March afresh. Sending a hug!

    • Reply Irene February 24, 2021 at 6:56 am

      Agree with this. On Monday I had a hard technology issue and had to go back to my work facility for the first time since March 2020 and it was so painful. Our offices look like time capsules. I was very thankful no mold or anything was growing in my water cup.

      We are also in the middle of a horrible battle about reopening of schools. It’s gone from people being all in the same boat that virtual school is hard but we are trying our best to….a shit show. Half the families don’t want to go back and now talk as if virtual learning is the greatest thing on earth, and maybe it is for them! But for parents whose kids are struggling this has been awful and now you seen as hating teachers if you say that. And now the “in-person” options seem to involve sitting in front of a laptop even if the teacher is there even for kindergarten. I’m so devastated that my daughter is not going to get a real kindergarten experience and so and that it doesn’t seem to be important to our county AT ALL.

  • Reply Brooke February 24, 2021 at 2:32 am

    I often remind myself that happiness = reality – expectations. Like you, many of my expectations are self imposed, and I have to remind myself that if unhappy because I’m not meeting my own high expectations, maybe I need to adjust my expectations to be happy. Take the time you need – we will be here when you get back 🙂

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