5 quick notes on a Friday

August 13, 2021

1- Today is the day I will catch up on all pending patient-related things. (Very much hoping!). I am basically caught up in GME/admin and have made progress on the clinical end, though I am not done. I have a half-day of patients (half of those telehealth which I have come to despise though I see the need).

So perhaps it takes 1 week to dig out from under a 1 week vacation hole?

(Is it 2 weeks for 2 weeks, and so on? I’ve almost never taken a longer vacation so I’m not sure, unless you count maternity leave!).

2- Malibu Rising finally came off of my library holds list so I started it last night. It does seem like the perfect Last Summer Reading book. (I need to revise my 2021 list – my original plans got a bit derailed, but at least I’ve still been reading.)

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

3- I did diligently write down how I spent my time yesterday until around 7 pm. It did sort of help to center me, so I will do this again today. I remember how in the early days of the pandemic I was doing this as well. I guess I find it a bit grounding.

4- Annabel had her well child check yesterday. It was very relaxing to go in with just a 9 year old! It’s not super efficient, but I really prefer to take the kids to appointments one at a time. Our current pediatricians office is literally 7 minutes door to door from our house, which helps!

5- From our local headlines:


We start school next Wednesday. Our school IS requiring masks after all children 3 and up (unless medical exemption), which I am happy with!

Happy Friday! About to jump into today’s workout: 45 minutes full body. While the completist in me hesitates to make a swap, I will likely sub a run for tomorrow’s jump rope workout because a) I don’t have a jump rope; b) that sounds unappealing; and c) that seems like a reasonable sub.


  • Reply Laura August 13, 2021 at 6:37 am

    Sometimes I feel like it takes 3 weeks to come back from one week. I am not sure how that even works.

    • Reply Elisabeth August 13, 2021 at 7:50 am

      Laura’s right – it doesn’t make sense, but I feel the same way in terms of ratios. I get behind on work, my routines are all scattered, there are always little post-vacation tasks that linger on for weeks (sandy bathing suits that got forgotten in a suitcase or missing items I’m trying to track down).

      I think 1 week might be the toughest of them all. You’re not fully rested after a week (it takes a few days to ease in to a 1-week vacation), but you had to pack the same amount of stuff you would for a month away.

      Also, I think any vacation with the family in tow is dramatically more exhausting; there is just SO MUCH GEAR, especially if it’s a beach vacation. Though it’s been two whole years since a trip away with just my husband, even if it’s a shorter time span, I find it easier to recover from. We tend to pack light, are planning to pack a lot of activity in to the short time away (so I don’t feel all this pressure to come home rested – which I never do when both kiddos are with us).

  • Reply Gillian August 13, 2021 at 7:33 am

    I hate telemedicine too. I am limiting it to one 1/2 day per week (maybe 3-4 appointments) and only at my discretion. There are very few things for which I think they are appropriate at this point. I offer them all at the same time. If I try to mix them into a regular office day they throw off my timing completely.

  • Reply Amy O August 13, 2021 at 4:14 pm

    Malibu Rising was so good. I wasn’t sure I would like it, but I really did. Enjoy!

    • Reply Jenn N August 13, 2021 at 7:47 pm

      Agreed, it was truly the perfect summer read!

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